Spread 8.0 Documentation
Support Options

Glossary Item Box


The following example lets the user choose to import or export an Excel sheet. Message boxes relay the status and result of the action.

To access the file used in this sample, change the path in the code to the path for your product installation's \SAMPLES\FILES directory.


void CmyWnd::OnCommand1()
    // Declare variables
    VARIANT varr,varg;
    SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1];
    bool y,z;
    short x, listcount,handle;
    long lg=0;
    varg.vt = VT_BSTR;
    varr.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR;
    rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0;
    rgsabound[0].cElements = 4;
    varr.parray = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR,1,rgsabound);

    // Check if file is an Excel file and set result to x
    x = m_Spread1.IsExcelFile("C:\\Samples\\Files\\quotes.XLS ");
    // If file is Excel file, tell user, import sheet
    // list, and set result to y
    if (x=1)
        MessageBox("File is an Excel file.");
        y = m_Spread1.GetExcelSheetList("C:\\Samples\\Files\\quotes.XLS ", varr, &listcount,"C:\\Samples\\Files\\log.txt", &handle, TRUE);
        // If received sheet list, tell user, import file,
        // and set result to z
        if (y)
            MessageBox("Got sheet list.");
            SafeArrayGetElement(varr.parray, &lg, &varg.bstrVal);
            z = m_Spread1.ImportExcelSheet(handle, varg);
            // Tell user result based on T/F value of z
            if (z)
                MessageBox("Import complete.");
                MessageBox("Import did not succeed.");
        // Tell user cannot obtain sheet list
        MessageBox("Cannot return information for Excel file.");
    // Tell user file is not Excel file or is locked
    MessageBox("File is not an Excel file or is locked and cannot be imported.");
void CmyWnd::OnCommand2()
    bool x;
    // Export Excel file and set result to x
    x = m_Spread1.ExportToExcel("C:\\Samples\\FILE.XLS", "Test Sheet 1", "C:\\Samples\\LOGFILE.TXT");

    // Display result to user based on T/F value of x
    If (x)
        MessageBox("Export complete.");
        MessageBox("Export did not succeed.");

Visual Basic

Sub Form_Load()
    ' Set up buttons
    Command1.Caption = "Import Excel Sheet"
    Command2.Caption = "Export Excel Sheet"
End Sub

Sub Command1_Click()
    ' Declare variables
    Dim y As Boolean, z As Boolean
    Dim Var As Variant
    Dim x As Integer, listcount As Integer, handle As Integer
    Dim List(10) As String

    ' Check if file is an Excel file and set result to x
    x = fpSpread1.IsExcelFile("C:\Samples\Files\quotes.XLS")

    ' If file is Excel file, tell user, import sheet
    ' list, and set result to y
    If x = 1 Then
        MsgBox "File is an Excel file.", , "File Type"
        y = fpSpread1.GetExcelSheetList("C:\Samples\Files\quotes.XLS", List, listcount, "C:\Samples\Files\ILOGFILE.TXT", handle, True)
        ' If received sheet list, tell user, import file,
        ' and set result to z
        If y = True Then
            MsgBox "Got sheet list.", , "Status"
            z = fpSpread1.ImportExcelSheet(handle, 0)
            ' Tell user result based on T/F value of z
            If z = True Then
                MsgBox "Import complete.", , "Result"
                MsgBox "Import did not succeed.", , "Result"
            End If
            ' Tell user cannot obtain sheet list
            MsgBox "Cannot return information for Excel file.", , "Result"
        End If
        ' Tell user file is not Excel file or is locked
        MsgBox "File is not an Excel file or is locked and cannot be imported.", ,"Invalid File Type or Locked"
    End If
End Sub

Sub Command2_Click()
    Dim x As Boolean
    ' Export Excel file and set result to x
    x = fpSpread1.ExportToExcel("C:\Samples\FILE.XLS", "Test Sheet 1", "C:\Samples\LOGFILE.TXT")
    ' Display result to user based on T/F value of x
    If x = True Then
        MsgBox "Export complete.", , "Result"
        MsgBox "Export did not succeed.", , "Result"
    End If
End Sub

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