Spread 8.0 Documentation
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Glossary Item Box


The following example saves the Spread data shown to a tab-delimited file (tabbed.txt) and then to a delimited file (delimiters.txt). The project form would appear as shown in the following picture.

The tab-delimited file (tabbed.txt) will have the following format:


The file with column and row delimiters (delimiters.txt) will have the following format:


To access the file used in this sample, change the path in the code to the path for your product installation's \SAMPLES\FILES directory.


void CExportToTextFileDlg::OnShowWindow(BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus)
    CDialog::OnShowWindow(bShow, nStatus);
    BOOL ret;

    // Label command buttons
    m_Command1.SetWindowText("Export to tab-delimited file");
    m_Command2.SetWindowText("Export to delimited file");
    // Load data in sheet
    ret = m_Spread.LoadFromFile("place.ss7");

void CExportToTextFileDlg::OnButton1()
    BOOL ret;

    // Save to a tab-delimited file
    ret = m_Spread.ExportToTextFile("tabbed.txt", "", "\t", "\r", ExportToTextFileColHeaders || ExportToTextFileCreateNewFile, "tabbed.log");

void CExportToTextFileDlg::OnButton2()
    BOOL ret;

    // Save to a file using column and row delimiters.
    ret = m_Spread.ExportToTextFile("delimiters.txt", "", ",", "\r", ExportToTextFileColHeaders || ExportToTextFileCreateNewFile, "delimiters.log");

Visual Basic

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Dim ret As Boolean
    ' Save to a tab-delimited file
    ret = fpSpread1.ExportToTextFile("C:\Samples\tabbed.txt", "", Chr(9), Chr(13), ExportToTextFileColHeaders + ExportToTextFileCreateNewFile, "C:\Samples\tabbed.log")
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    Dim ret As Boolean
    ' Save to a file using column and row delimiters.
    ret = fpSpread1.ExportToTextFile("C:\Samples\delimiters.txt", "", ",", Chr(13), ExportToTextFileColHeaders + ExportToTextFileCreateNewFile, "C:\Samples\delimiters.log")
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    ' Label command buttons
    Command1.Caption = "Export to tab-delimited file"
    Command2.Caption = "Export to delimited file"
    ' Load data in sheet
    Dim ret As Boolean
    ret = fpSpread1.LoadFromFile("C:\Samples\Files\place.ss7")
End Sub

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