The following example sets the sheet to display different colors for odd and even rows. It also specifies the background and foreground colors to display for a row or column when the row or column is selected.
void CMyWnd::MyFunc()
bool x;
// Set odd/even row colors as follows
// Odd background: cyan, RGB(0, 255, 255)
// Odd foreground: dark cyan, RGB(0, 128, 128)
// Even background: blue, RGB(0, 0, 255)
// Even foreground: dark blue, RGB(0, 0, 128)
x = fpSpread1.SetOddEvenRowColor(0x00FFFF00, 0x00808000, 0x00FF0000, 0x00800000);
// Set selection background color magenta, RGB(192, 0, 192)
// Set selection foreground color dark magenta, RGB(128, 0, 128)
Visual Basic
Sub Form_Load()
Dim x As Boolean
' Set odd/even row colors as follows
' Odd background: cyan, RGB(0, 255, 255)
' Odd foreground: dark cyan, RGB(0, 128, 128)
' Even background: blue, RGB(0, 0, 255)
' Even foreground: dark blue, RGB(0, 0, 128)
x = fpSpread1.SetOddEvenRowColor(&H00FFFF00,&H00808000, &H00FF0000, &H00800000)
' Set selection background color magenta, RGB(192, 0, 192)
fpSpread1.SelBackColor = &H00C000C0
' Set selection foreground color dark magenta, RGB(128, 0, 128)
fpSpread1.SelForeColor = &H00800080
End Sub