Spread 8.0 Documentation
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Glossary Item Box


The following example creates text tips that display the row and column numbers corresponding to the pointer's location in a sheet. The text tips appear next to the pointer after the pointer remains stationary for 250 milliseconds. The text tips' background, foreground, and text appear as set in the example.


void CmyWnd::MyFunc()
    // Control displays text tips aligned to pointer with focus
    // Control displays text tips after 250 milliseconds
    // Text tip displays custom font and colors
    // Background is yellow, RGB(255, 255, 0)
    // Foreground is dark blue, RGB(0, 0, 128)
    fpSpread1.SetTextTipAppearance("Arial", 11, FALSE, FALSE, 0xFFFF, 0x800000);

void CmyWnd::OnTextTipFetch(long Col, long Row, long FAR* MultiLine, long FAR* TipWidth, BSTR FAR* TipText, BOOL FAR* ShowTip)
    // Set tip to display and set tip's content
    char buff1[20];
    char buff2[20];
    char buff3[50];
    wchar_t buff4[50];

    *ShowTip = TRUE;
    strcat(buff3,"Col ");
    strcat(buff3," Row ");
    strcat(buff3, buff2);
    *TipText = SysAllocString(buff4);

Visual Basic

Sub Form_Load()
    Dim x As Boolean
    ' Control displays text tips aligned to pointer with focus
    fpSpread1.TextTip = TextTipFloatingFocusOnly
    ' Control displays text tips after 250 milliseconds
    fpSpread1.TextTipDelay = 250
    ' Text tip displays custom font and colors
    ' Background is yellow, RGB(255, 255, 0)
    ' Foreground is dark blue, RGB(0, 0, 128)
    x = fpSpread1.SetTextTipAppearance("Arial", "11", False, False, &H0000FFFF&, &H00800000)
End Sub

Sub fpSpread1_TextTipFetch(ByVal Col As Long, ByVal Row As Long, MultiLine As Long, TipWidth As Long, TipText As String, ShowTip As Boolean)
    ' Set tip to display and set tip's content
    ShowTip = True
    TipText = "Col " & Col & ", Row " & Row
End Sub

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