The following example lets the user enter a pivot year and see the resulting range of dates that the control uses to assume which century to use when dealing with a two-digit year. If the user enters a two-digit year into the sheet, the sheet assumes that the correct four-digit year is the one that falls within the range of dates shown.
void CmyWnd::MyFunc()
// Give text boxes their initial values (default: 2059)
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_TEXT1,fpSpread1.GetTwoDigitYearMax ());
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_TEXT2,fpSpread1.GetTwoDigitYearMax ()-99);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_TEXT3,fpSpread1.GetTwoDigitYearMax ());
// Set first row, first column cell as a date cell with four-digit year, wider column, and active cell
void CmyWnd::OnChange()
// Assign new four-digit number to TwoDigitYearMax
NewNo = GetDlgItemInt(IDC_TEXT1);
// Display new range
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_TEXT2,fpSpread1.GetTwoDigitYearMax () - 99);
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_TEXT3,fpSpread1.GetTwoDigitYearMax ());
Visual Basic
Dim NewNo
Sub Form_Load()
' Create labels on form
Form1.Caption = "Pivot Year Range"
Label1.Caption = "Type a four-digit pivot year:"
Label2.Caption = "The sheet assumes that the century to display for a two-digit year falls within the range of your pivot year minus 99 years, as shown in the boxes below the control."
Label3.Caption = "to"
' Give text boxes their initial values (default: 2059)
Text1.Text = fpSpread1.TwoDigitYearMax
Text2.Text = (fpSpread1.TwoDigitYearMax - 99)
Text3.Text = fpSpread1.TwoDigitYearMax
' Set first cell to be a date cell with four-digit year, wider column, and active cell
fpSpread1.Col = 1
fpSpread1.Row = 1
fpSpread1.CellType = CellTypeDate
fpSpread1.TypeDateCentury = True
fpSpread1.ColWidth(1) = 13
fpSpread1.EditMode = True
End Sub
Sub Text1_Change()
' Assign new four-digit number to TwoDigitYearMax
NewNo = Val(Text1.Text)
fpSpread1.TwoDigitYearMax = NewNo
' Display new range
Text2.Text = (fpSpread1.TwoDigitYearMax - 99)
Text3.Text = fpSpread1.TwoDigitYearMax
End Sub