The following example sets the two cells to be of type Owner Drawn. The TypeOwnerDrawStyle property is set differently for the two cells. In the DrawItem event the cell is drawn with an ellipse if the TypeOwnerDrawStyle property is set to 0 and a rectangle if it is set to 1.
BOOL CGeneral::OnInitDialog()
void CGeneral::OnDrawItem(long Col, long Row, long hDC, long Left, long Top, long Right, long Bottom, long Style)
int iTwipsPerPixelX = 1440 / GetDeviceCaps((HDC)hDC,LOGPIXELSX);
int iTwipsPerPixelY = 1440 / GetDeviceCaps((HDC)hDC,LOGPIXELSY);
int xPixels = (int)Left / iTwipsPerPixelX;
int yPixels = (int)Top / iTwipsPerPixelY;
int x2Pixels = (int)Right / iTwipsPerPixelX;
int y2Pixels = (int)Bottom / iTwipsPerPixelY;
HPEN hPen;
HPEN hOldPen;
hPen = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255,0,0));
hOldPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject((HDC)hDC, hPen);
switch( Style )
case 0:
::Ellipse((HDC)hDC, xPixels, yPixels, x2Pixels,y2Pixels);
case 1:
::Rectangle((HDC)hDC, xPixels, yPixels, x2Pixels,y2Pixels);
::SelectObject((HDC)hDC, hOldPen);
if (Style == 0)
::TextOut((HDC)hDC, (xPixels + x2Pixels)/3, yPixels,_T("Ellipse"), 7);
else if (Style == 1)
::TextOut((HDC)hDC, (xPixels + x2Pixels)/3, yPixels,_T("Rectangle"), 9);
Visual Basic
Sub Form_Load()
fpSpread1.Row = 1
fpSpread1.Col = 1
fpSpread1.CellType = CellTypeOwnerDrawn
fpSpread1.Text = "Ellipse"
fpSpread1.TypeOwnerDrawStyle = 0
fpSpread1.Row = 1
fpSpread1.Col = 2
fpSpread1.CellType = CellTypeOwnerDrawn
fpSpread1.Text = "Rectangle"
fpSpread1.TypeOwnerDrawStyle = 1
End Sub
Sub fpSpread1_DrawItem(ByVal Col As Long, ByVal Row As Long, ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal left As Long, ByVal top As Long, ByVal right As Long, ByVal bottom As Long,ByVal style As Long)
Dim s As Long
Dim hBrush As Long
Dim Rec As RECT
Dim xMargin As Long
Dim yMargin As Long
' Reduce the cell rectangle by 10 percent on each side
Rec.left = left / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
Rec.right = right / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
Rec.top = top / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
Rec.bottom = bottom / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
' Reduce the rectangle by 20 percent
xMargin = (Rec.right - Rec.left) / 10
yMargin = (Rec.bottom - Rec.top) / 10
Rec.left = Rec.left + xMargin
Rec.right = Rec.right - xMargin
Rec.top = Rec.top + yMargin
Rec.bottom = Rec.bottom - yMargin
' Use the style parameter (TypeOwnerDrawStyle property)
' of cell to determine the figure to paint in the cell
If style = 0 Then
s = Ellipse(hDC, Rec.left, Rec.top, Rec.right, Rec.bottom)
ElseIf style = 1 Then
s = Rectangle(hDC, Rec.left, Rec.top, Rec.right, Rec.bottom)
End If
' Also use the Text property of cell
fpSpread1.Col = Col
fpSpread1.Row = Row
s = DrawText(hDC, fpSpread1.Text, Len(fpSpread1.Text), Rec, DT_CENTER + DT_VCENTER + DT_SINGLELINE)
End Sub