Spread ASP.NET 6.0 Product Documentation
ISheetStyleModel Interface Members
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FarPoint.Web.Spread Assembly > FarPoint.Web.Spread.Model Namespace : ISheetStyleModel Interface

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by ISheetStyleModel.

Public Properties

 PropertyAltRowCountGets or sets the number of alternating row styles in the model.  

Public Methods

 MethodGetCompositeInfoGets the style information for a cell, column, row, or model as a composite of settings.  
 MethodGetDirectAltRowInfoGets the specified alternating row style in the model.  
 MethodGetDirectInfoGets the direct style for the specified cell, column, row, or model default.  
 MethodIsEmptyDetermines whether no styles are set in the model.  
 MethodIsRowUsedGets whether the row in the model contains style settings.  
 MethodSetDirectAltRowInfoSets the specified alternating row style in the model.  
 MethodSetDirectInfoSets the direct style for the specified cell, column, row, or model default.  

See Also

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