| Class | Description |
| AlternatingRow | Represents a set of style information for alternating rows in the component. |
| AlternatingRows | Represents a one-dimensional collection of alternating rows (AlternatingRow objects). |
| Appearance | Represents the appearance of an object. |
| AppearanceProperty | Represents the appearance settings. |
| AutoFilteredColumnEventArgs | Represents the event data for the AutoFilteredColumn event for the Spread component, which occurs when the column has been automatically filtered. |
| AutoFilteringColumnEventArgs | Represents the event data for the AutoFilteringColumn event for the Spread component, which occurs when columns are being automatically filtered. |
| Background | Represents a background (image and gradient). |
| BaseCellType | Represents the cell type class that serves as a basis for other cell type classes. |
| BaseFilterItem | Represents the basis for a custom filter. |
| BaseSparkline | Base class that represents sparkline data infomation. |
| BestFitColumnRule | Represents the rules that determine how best to print the columns. |
| Border | Represents the border style of a cell. |
| BorderProperty | Represents the border settings. |
| ButtonCellType | Represents a button cell. |
| Cell | Represents a cell in the Spread component. |
| Cells | Represents a two-dimensional collection of individual cells (Cell objects). |
| CellTypeConverter | Provides a drop-down list of cell types for a property of type ICellType in the property grid. |
| CheckBoxCellType | Represents a check box cell. |
| Column | Represents a column in the component. |
| ColumnFooter | Represents the column footer portion of the control. |
| ColumnHeader | Represents the column header portion of the component. |
| Columns | Represents a one-dimensional collection of individual columns (Column objects). |
| Columns.DefaultColumn | Represents the default column in the component. |
| ColumnSparklineRenderer | Represents the renderer of the column sparklines. |
| ComboBoxCellType | Represents a combo box cell. |
| CommandBarInfo | Represents information about the command bar in the Spread component. |
| ConditionalFormat | Represents a conditional format. |
| ConditionalFormatCollection | Internal use only. |
| ConditionalFormatInfo | Internal use only. |
| CreateButtonEventArgs | Represents the event data for a CreateButton event. |
| CreateChildViewEventArgs | Represents the event data for a ChildViewCreated event. |
| CurrencyCellType | Represents a currency cell. |
| DataFieldConverter | Represents a type converter for the data field of a column. |
| DateTimeCellType | Represents a date-time cell. |
| DefaultFilterItem | Represents the default filtering of rows based on specified criteria. |
| DefaultRowFilter | Represents a default row filter that extends to implement the supported row filters. |
| DefaultSkins | Represents the pre-defined (default) skins. |
| DefaultSparklineContainer | Represents the full (concrete) implementation of the ISparklineContainer interface for a sparkline model for a sheet, which represents sparklines. |
| DefaultStyleCollection | Represents a collection of default style settings. |
| DesignTimeCellTypeConverter | Provides a drop-down list of cell types for a property of type ICellType in the property grid. |
| DoubleCellType | Represents a double-precision, floating-point data type cell. |
| EmptyCellType | Represents a general cell that has no editor control (returns null from GetEditorControl). |
| ErrorForm | Represents an error form. |
| ExcelBaseSparkLineRenderer | Abstract class that represents the renderer of the excel-like sparklines. |
| ExcelSparkline | Represents sparkline data based on the cell range. |
| ExcelSparklineGroup | Represents a group of excel like sparklines. |
| ExcelSparklineSetting | Represents a setting of an excel like sparkline. |
| FetchGroupTextEventArgs | Represents the event data for FetchGroupText events in the Spread component. |
| FilterColumnDefinition | Represents a filter column definition. |
| FilterColumnDefinitionCollection | Represents a collection of filter column definitions. |
| FilterItemCollection | Represents a collection of custom filters. |
| FpSpread | Represents an FarPoint Web Forms (ASP.NET) spreadsheet component that displays data in rows and columns. |
| FpSpreadTemplateReplacement | Represents the FarPoint Spread template replacement. |
| GeneralCellType | Represents a general cell that can be used for text or numbers. |
| GroupInfo | Represents the grouping information. |
| GroupInfoCollection | Represents the read-only collection of GroupInfo objects. |
| GroupingEventArgs | Represents the event data for grouping events in the Spread component. |
| HideRowFilter | Represents the filter that hides rows based on certain criteria. |
| HierBarInfo | Represents information about the hierarchy bar in the Spread component. |
| HyperLinkCellType | Represents a hyperlink cell. |
| ImageCellType | Represents an image cell. |
| Inset | Represents the dimensions of margins. |
| IntegerCellType | Represents an integer data type cell. |
| ItemEventArgs | Provides data for an event in a collection. |
| ItemTrackedEventArgs | Represents the event data for the element in a collection that has been updated. |
| LabelCellType | Represents a label cell. |
| LandscapeRule | Represents the rules that determine whether to print in landscape format. |
| LayoutCell | Represents a layout cell in the layout template. |
| LayoutCells | Represents a two-dimensional collection of layout cells. |
| LayoutColumn | Represents a layout column in a layout template. |
| LayoutColumns | Represents the layout columns in the layout template. |
| LayoutRow | Represents a layout row in the layout template. |
| LayoutRows | Represents a one-dimensional collection of layout row objects. |
| LayoutTemplate | Represents a layout template for the view. |
| LineSparklineRenderer | Represents the line sparkline renderer. |
| ListBoxCellType | Represents a list box cell. |
| ListItem | Represents an item in a combo box, list box, or radio button cell. |
| MultiColumnComboBoxCellType | Represents a multiple-column combo box cell. |
| NamedStyle | Represents a named style, an object that can be used to set style information for other objects. |
| NamedStyleCollection | Represents a collection of named styles (NamedStyle objects). |
| NamedStyleCollectionEventArgs | Represents the event data for the NamedStyleCollection object's Changed event. |
| PagerInfo | Represents information about the page navigation aids in the Spread component. |
| ParentStyleNameConverter | Provides a drop-down list of parent style names for the ParentStyleName property in the Cell, Column, Row, and AlternatingRow classes. |
| PercentCellType | Represents a percent value data type cell. |
| PreviewRowInfo | Represents the preview row information. |
| PreviewRowTemplateContainer | Represents an editing template container. |
| PrintAbortEventArgs | Represents the event data for the PrintAbort event for the Spread component, which allows the user to discontinue the printing at any time during a print job. |
| PrintBackgroundEventArgs | Represents the event data for the PrintBackground event for the Spread component, which occurs when the background is printing. |
| PrintEventArgs | Represents the event data for a Print event. |
| PrintExternalImageEventArgs | Represents the event data for the PrintExternalImage and PrintExternalImageEnd event for the Spread component, which allows the user to print an external image. |
| PrintInfo | Represents the information to use when printing a sheet of the control. |
| PrintMargin | Represents the margin for the printed page. |
| PrintPDFEventArgs | Represents the event data for a PrintPDF event. |
| PropertyTrackChangedEventArgs | Represents raising an event when the property has changed and has infomation about the current value and the previous value. |
| RadioButtonListCellType | Represents a radio button list cell. |
| RegExpCellType | Represents a regular expression cell. |
| ReloadSheetCellRangeFormulaEventArgs | Represents the event data for the FormulaChanged event, which occurs when an object that contains the sheet cell ranges notifies that formulas have been changed and that the SheetCellRange needs to be updated. |
| Row | Represents a row in the component. |
| RowEditTemplateContainer | Represents a row edit template container. |
| RowHeader | Represents the row header portion of the component. |
| Rows | Represents a one-dimensional collection of individual rows (Row objects). |
| Rows.DefaultRow | Represents the default row in the component. |
| ScaleRule | Represents the rules that determine how to scale the printed sheet. |
| SheetCorner | Represents the corner of the control. |
| SheetSkin | Represents a skin, which provides style settings for a sheet. |
| SheetStyleProperty | Represents the sheet style properties. |
| SheetView | Represents a sheet in the Spread component. |
| SheetViewCollection | Represents a collection of sheets (SheetView objects). |
| SheetViewStateEventArgs | Represents the event data for the SaveOrLoadSheetState event. |
| SmartPaperRule | Represents the rules that determine the paper size. |
| SmartPrintRule | Represents the rules that determine how best to print. |
| SmartPrintRulesCollection | Represents the set of rules that determine how best to print. |
| SortInfo | Represents information for sorting. |
| Sparkline | Represents a sparkline in a cell. |
| SparklineModelUpdateEventArgs | Represents the event data for the UpdatedCellRanges event, which occurs when a list of cellranges are updated. |
| SpreadCommandEventArgs | Represents the event data for any of several command events in the Spread component. |
| SpreadDataSource | Represents a range of data in the Spread component that can be bound to other controls. |
| SpreadDataSourceView | Represents the mechanism for data-bound controls to get data from the Spread component as a data source. |
| SpreadSparklineRenderes | Read-only collection of default (built-in) sparkline renderers. |
| StyleInfo | Represents the style information for a cell with such settings as color, alignment, font, and borders. |
| StyleNameConverter | Provides a drop-down list of style names for the StyleName property in the Cell, Column, Row, and AlternatingRow classes. |
| StyleRowFilter | Represents the filter that sets the styles of rows based on certain criteria. |
| TabInfo | Represents the information about the sheet name tabs that are displayed in the command bar at the bottom of the component. |
| TagCloudCellType | Represents a tag cloud cell (weighted list of linked items). |
| TextCellType | Represents a text cell. |
| TitleInfo | Represents information about the title bar in the Spread component. |
| WinLossSparklineRenderer | Represents the renderer of the win/loss sparklines. |