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Spread ASP.NET 6.0 Product Documentation > Developer's Guide > Working with the Chart Control > Understanding and Customizing Charts > Legends

Glossary Item Box

The legend contains identifiers for each of the data series. The legend area can contain legend items, a background, and borders. The legend area is positioned using a relative location (where (0,0) = the left upper corner of the chart and (1,1) = the right lower corner of the chart) and a relative alignment (where (0,0) = the left upper corner of the label area and (1,1) = the right lower corner of the label area).

See the following for more information on how to set properties for the legend:

Return to the overview at Understanding and Customizing Charts.

Using Code

Use location and alignment properties in the legend area classes to set the legend.


The following example sets properties for the legend.

C# Copy Code
LegendArea legend = new LegendArea();
legend.Location = new PointF(0.98f, 0.5f);
legend.AlignmentX = 1.0f;
legend.AlignmentY = 0.5f;
VB Copy Code
Dim legend As New FarPoint.Web.Chart.LegendArea()
legend.Location = New PointF(0.98F, 0.5F)
legend.AlignmentX = 1.0F
legend.AlignmentY = 0.5F

Using the Chart Designer

  1. Select the Legend Area Collection editor.
  2. Set the properties as needed.
  3. Select Apply and OK to close the Chart Designer.
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