FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly Reference  
ForeColor Property
See Also 
FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly > FarPoint.Win.Spread Namespace > FpSpread Class : ForeColor Property

Not supported in this component.


public override Color ForeColor {get; set;}
Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Overrides Public Property ForeColor As Color
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As FpSpread
Dim value As Color
instance.ForeColor = value
value = instance.ForeColor

Return Value

Color object containing the color for text


The setting for this property can be overridden if a named style is assigned to the cell using the the StyleName property, and that named style sets the text color.

When cells are locked with the Lock and Protect properties, the value of the SheetView.LockForeColor property overrides the value of this property.

If you use this property to retrieve the text color for a range of cells that do not have the same text color, the text color for the active cell is returned.

If you are working with button cells, use the CellType.ButtonCellType.ButtonColor property to specify the color of the text in the buttons.

Specify the background color for the cell by setting the BackColor property.

See Also