Spread Windows Forms 6.0 Product Documentation
GroupDataModel Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events Support Options
FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly > FarPoint.Win.Spread.Model Namespace : GroupDataModel Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by GroupDataModel.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorGroupDataModel ConstructorOverloaded.   

Public Properties

Public PropertyCanSerializeXmlGets whether the entire object can be saved to XML and successfully loaded again.  
Public PropertyColumnCountOverridden. Gets the number of columns in the group.  
Public PropertyGroupComparerGets the group comparer.  
Public PropertyGroupFooterVisibleGets or sets whether the group footer is displayed.  
Public PropertyGroupsGets the list of top-level group objects.  
Public PropertyNonEmptyColumnCountOverridden. Gets the number of columns in the model containing data (bound or unbound).  
Public PropertyNonEmptyRowCountOverridden. Gets the number of rows in the model containing data (bound or unbound).  
Public PropertyRowCountOverridden. Gets the number of rows in the group.  
Public PropertySortInfoGets the sorting information for the group.  
Public PropertySuspendGroupingGets or sets whether the grouping is suspended.  
Public PropertyTargetModelGets the sheet data model for the group target.  

Public Methods

Public MethodDeserializeLoads the object from XML.  
Public MethodGetColumnNameGets the name of the specified column in the group.  
Public MethodGetGroupGets the group associated with the specified row.  
Public MethodGetGroupFooterGets a group footer for a specified row.  
Public MethodGetIndexGets the model index of the group data model from the specified row.  
Public MethodGetItemGets the item in the specified row.  
Public MethodGetModelIndexFromTargetIndexGets the group data model index from target index  
Public MethodGetNoteOverridden. Gets a user-defined note value for the cell of the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetTagOverridden. Gets an application-defined tag value for the cell of the specified row and column.  
Public MethodGetValueOverridden. Gets the value from the cell in the group.  
Public MethodGroupOverloaded. Groups the rows with the specified sort information.  
Public MethodIsEditableOverridden. Determines whether the cell in the group is editable.  
Public MethodIsEmptyOverridden. Determines whether the data model is empty.  
Public MethodIsGroupDetermines whether the specified row is a group header (also called group node).  
Public MethodIsGroupFooterDetermines if the specified row is a group footer.  
Public MethodIsRowUsedOverridden. Determines whether the specified row has data (is not empty).  
Public MethodNextNonEmptyColumnInRowOverridden. Gets the index of the next column in a specified row that contains data.  
Public MethodNextNonEmptyRowOverridden. Gets the index of the next row that contains data.  
Public MethodOnDeserialization  
Public MethodSerializeSaves the object to XML.  
Public MethodSetNoteOverridden. Sets a user-defined note value for the cell at the specified row and column.  
Public MethodSetTagOverridden. Sets an application-defined tag value for the cell of the specified row and column.  
Public MethodSetValueOverridden. Sets the value of the cell in the group.  
Public MethodSortSorts the rows (after the Grouped event) according to the specified sorting information.  

Protected Methods

Protected MethodOnChangedRaises the Changed event, and permits derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Spread.Model.BaseSheetDataModel)
Protected MethodOnMapperUpdatingRaises the mapper updating event.  

Public Events

Public EventChangedOccurs when the user makes a change to the model that affects the data of the sheet. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Spread.Model.BaseSheetDataModel)
Public EventMapperUpdatingOccurs when the user makes a change to the target model that cause mapper being updated.  

See Also

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