Spread Windows Forms 6.0 Product Documentation
UndoManager Class Members
See Also  Fields  Properties  Methods  Events Support Options
FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly > FarPoint.Win.Spread.UndoRedo Namespace : UndoManager Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by UndoManager.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorUndoManager ConstructorCreates a new undo action manager.  

Protected Fields

Protected FieldactionCancelledSpecifies whether the pending action has been cancelled.  
Protected FieldactionIsRedoSpecifies whether actionInProcess is being redone  
Protected FieldactionIsUndoSpecifies whether actionInProcess is being undone  
Protected FieldactionPendingSpecifies whether an action is in progress (to prevent recursion).  
Protected FieldmaxLengthSpecifies the maximum number of UndoAction objects to keep on the undo or redo stacks.  
Protected FieldmredoListSpecifies the redo stack (last element is on top).  
Protected FieldmundoListSpecifies the undo stack (last element is on top).  
Protected FieldspreadViewSpecifies the view passed to the constructor.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyCanRedoGets whether Redo can redo an action.  
Public PropertyCanUndoGets whether Undo can undo an action.  
Public PropertyRedoListGets the list of UndoAction objects.  
Public PropertyUndoListGets the list of UndoAction objects.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCancelActionCancels the current action in progress.  
Public MethodGetActionPendingGets the current UndoAction pending completion.  
Public MethodPerformUndoActionPerforms the specified action (it can then be undone with Undo).  
Public MethodRedoOverloaded. Redoes the last action undone with Undo and adds it to the undo list.  
Public MethodUndoOverloaded. Undoes the last action done with PerformUndoAction and adds it to the redo list.  

Protected Methods

Protected MethodPopRedoPops the top action from the redo stack.  
Protected MethodPopUndoPops the top action from the undo stack.  
Protected MethodPushRedoPushes the specified action onto the redo stack.  
Protected MethodPushUndoPushes the specified action onto the undo stack.  

Public Events

Public EventActionCompleteOccurs when the undo or redo action is complete.  
Public EventRedoCompleteOccurs when the redo action is complete.  
Public EventUndoCompleteOccurs when the undo action is complete.  

See Also

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