Spread for ASP.NET 8.0 Product Documentation
Using ASP.NET AJAX Extenders

You can use the many cell types in the FarPoint.Web.Spread.Extender assembly to provide controls that are available as ASP.NET AJAX extender controls. The extender controls enhance the client capabilities of other controls.

For more information about extender cell types, refer toWorking with ASP.NET AJAX Extender Cell Types.

The various cell types that use ASP.NET AJAX extender controls include:

Using the AJAX Extenders

  1. Add to the References, the AJAXControlToolkit.dll which you install originally by going to Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Controls page and downloading the zip file with the AJAX Control extenders.
  2. The System.Web.Extensions.dll should be there by default.
  3. Add a Script Manager to the page. From the Toolbox, under the AJAX Extenders category select Script Manager and drag it to the ASPX page (Web Form) where you have the Spread component.



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