Spread Windows Forms 8.0 Product Documentation
AlternatingRow Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by AlternatingRow.

Public Properties
Public PropertyBackColorGets or sets the background color for cells in this alternating row.  
Public PropertyBorderGets or sets the border for cells in this alternating row.  
Public PropertyCanFocusGets or sets whether the user can set focus to the cell using the keyboard or mouse for cells in this row.  
Public PropertyCellPaddingGets or sets the amount of space, in pixels, to pad cells in the alternating row(s).  
Public PropertyCellTypeGets or sets the cell type for cells in this alternating row.  
Public PropertyEditorGets or sets the editor for cells in this alternating row.  
Public PropertyFontGets or sets the default font for text in cells in this alternating row.  
Public PropertyForeColorGets or sets the text color for cells in this alternating row.  
Public PropertyFormatterGets or sets the formatter for cells in this alternating row.  
Public PropertyHorizontalAlignmentGets or sets the horizontal alignment for text in the cells in this alternating row.  
Public PropertyImeModeGets or sets the IME mode for an alternating row.  
Public PropertyImeSentenceModeGets or sets the IME sentence mode for an alternating row.  
Public PropertyIndexGets the index of this alternating row.  
Public PropertyInputScopeGets or sets the input scope for an alternating row.  
Public PropertyLockedGets or sets whether cells in this alternating row are marked as locked.  
Public PropertyNoteIndicatorColorGets or sets the default color for the note indicator for cells in this row.  
Public PropertyNoteIndicatorPositionGets or sets the position of the note indicator for cells in this row.  
Public PropertyNoteIndicatorSizeGets or sets the default size for the note indicator for cells in this row.  
Public PropertyParentGets the parent AlternatingRows object that contains this alternating row.  
Public PropertyParentStyleNameGets or sets the name of the parent style from which style properties are inherited for cells in this alternating row.  
Public PropertyRendererGets or sets the renderer for cells in this alternating row.  
Public PropertyStyleNameGets or sets the name of the custom style for cells in this alternating row.  
Public PropertyTabStopGets or sets whether the user can set focus to cells in this row using the Tab key.  
Public PropertyTextIndentGets or sets the amount of space, in pixels, to indent text in cells in this row.  
Public PropertyVerticalAlignmentGets or sets the vertical alignment for text in the cells in this alternating row.  
Public Methods
Public MethodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to another object in this alternating row.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeGets the hash code of the alternating row.  
Public MethodInvalidateInvalidates the displayed cells and sends the message to repaint them.  
Public MethodResetBackColorResets the background color for this row and makes this row inherit the background color from the default row.  
Public MethodResetBorderResets the cell border for this row and makes this row inherit the cell border from the default row.  
Public MethodResetCanFocusResets to its default value whether the cells in this row can receive focus.  
Public MethodResetCellPaddingResets the cell padding of the alternate row.  
Public MethodResetCellTypeResets the cell type for this row and makes this row inherit the cell type from the default row.  
Public MethodResetFontResets the font for this row and makes this row inherit the font from the default row.  
Public MethodResetForeColorResets the foreground color for this row and makes this row inherit the foreground color from the default row.  
Public MethodResetHorizontalAlignmentResets the horizontal alignment for this row and makes this row inherit the horizontal alignment from the default row.  
Public MethodResetLockedResets the locked state for this row and makes this row inherit the locked state from the default row.  
Public MethodResetNoteIndicatorColorResets the cell note indicator color for cells in this row.  
Public MethodResetNoteIndicatorPositionResets the position of the note indicator for cells in this row to the default value.  
Public MethodResetNoteIndicatorSizeResets the cell note indicator size for cells in this row.  
Public MethodResetTabStopResets to its default value whether the user can set focus to cells in this row using the Tab key.  
Public MethodResetTextIndentResets the text indent for the row and makes the row inherit the text indent from the default row.  
Public MethodResetVerticalAlignmentResets the vertical alignment for this row and makes this row inherit the vertical alignment from the default row.  
See Also


AlternatingRow Class
FarPoint.Win.Spread Namespace
AlternatingRows Class

User-Task Documentation

Creating Alternating Rows



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