Spread Windows Forms 8.0 Product Documentation
SheetSkin Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by SheetSkin.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorSheetSkin ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyAutoFilterModeGets the UI filter mode.  
Public PropertyBackColorGets the background color of the sheet.  
Public PropertyCellBackColorGets the background color of cells in the sheet.  
Public PropertyCellForeColorGets the text color of cells in the sheet.  
Public PropertyColumnFooterParentGets the parent style name to use for initializing the column footer default style.  
Public PropertyColumnHeaderParentGets the parent style name to use for initializing the column header default style.  
Public PropertyCornerParentGets the parent style name to use for initializing the corner default style.  
Public PropertyDataAreaParentGets the parent style name to use for initializing the data area default style.  
Public PropertyEvenRowBackColorGets the background color of even numbererd rows in the sheet.  
Public PropertyFilterBarBackColorGets the background color of filter bar items in the sheet.  
Public PropertyFilterBarForeColorGets the text color of filter bar items in the sheet.  
Public PropertyFilterBarHeaderBackColorGets the background color of the filter bar header in the sheet.  
Public PropertyFilterBarHeaderForeColorGets the text color of the filter bar header in the sheet.  
Public PropertyFilterBarHeaderParentGets the parent style name to use for initializing the filter header bar default style.  
Public PropertyFilterBarParentGets the parent style name to use for initializing the filter bar default style.  
Public PropertyFlatColumnFooterGets whether column footers are displayed in the sheet with a flat appearance.  
Public PropertyFlatColumnHeaderGets whether column headers are displayed in the sheet with a flat appearance.  
Public PropertyFlatRowHeaderGets whether row headers are displayed in the sheet with a flat appearance.  
Public PropertyFooterBackColorGets the background color of footer cells in the sheet.  
Public PropertyFooterFontBoldGets whether the font is bold for text in footers in the sheet.  
Public PropertyFooterForeColorGets the text color of footer cells in the sheet.  
Public PropertyGridLineColorGets the color of the grid lines on the sheet.  
Public PropertyGridLinesGets which grid lines are displayed on the sheet.  
Public PropertyHeaderBackColorGets the background color of header cells in the sheet.  
Public PropertyHeaderFontBoldGets whether the font is bold for text in headers in the sheet.  
Public PropertyHeaderForeColorGets the text color of header cells in the sheet.  
Public PropertyNameGets the name of the skin for the sheet.  
Public PropertyOddRowBackColorGets the background color of odd numbered rows in the sheet.  
Public PropertyRowHeaderParentGets the parent style name to use for initializing the row header default style.  
Public PropertySelectionBackColorGets the background color of selected cells in the sheet.  
Public PropertySelectionForeColorGets the text color of selected cells in the sheet.  
Public PropertyShowColumnFooterGets whether the sheet displays the column footer.  
Public PropertyShowColumnHeaderGets whether the sheet displays the column header.  
Public PropertyShowRowHeaderGets whether the sheet displays the row header.  
Public Methods
Public MethodApplyOverloaded. Applies the skin to the active sheet in the specified Spread component.  
Public MethodDeserializeLoads the skin from XML.  
Public MethodEqualsReturns a value that indicates whether the specified object is equivalent to this skin.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeReturns the hash code of this object.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)LoadOverloaded. Loads a skin from a file.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SaveOverloaded. Saves a skin to a file.  
Public MethodSerializeSaves the skin to XML.  
See Also


SheetSkin Class
FarPoint.Win.Spread Namespace
DefaultSkins Class
ActiveSkin Property

User-Task Documentation

Creating a Custom Skin for a Sheet
Applying a Built-In Skin to a Sheet



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