Gets or sets a value that indicates how the ellipsis character (...) appears, denoting that the GcTextBox text extends beyond the specified length of the GcTextBox.
Property Value
EllipsisMode enumeration,
None, means no ellipsis string is shown.
EllipsisEnd means to trim the end of the string with the character.
EllipsisPath, means to trim the center of the string with the character.
EllipsisWord, means to trim the end of the string with the word.
The default is
This example uses the Ellipsis property.
GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.GcTextBoxCellType inputcell1 = new GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.GcTextBoxCellType();
inputcell1.Ellipsis = GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.EllipsisMode.EllipsisEnd;
inputcell1.EllipsisString = "..";
fpSpread1.Sheets[0].Cells[1, 1].CellType = inputcell1;
Dim inputcell1 As New GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.GcTextBoxCellType
inputcell1.Ellipsis = GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.EllipsisMode.EllipsisEnd
inputcell1.EllipsisString = ".."
FpSpread1.Sheets(0).Cells(1, 1).CellType = inputcell1
Target Platforms: Windows 2000 Professional (SP4), Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003 Server (SP1), Windows 2008, Windows XP (SP2), Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8