Spread.NET ReadMe
Updating Projects - ReadMe - Spread Windows Forms 6.0

The following methods from versions prior to Spread Windows Forms 6 are supported for backwards compatibility in this version of the product, but might not be supported in future versions. Please review your existing projects and update them according to the options described in the following table.

Obsolete Methods - Replace Boolean parameters with TextFileFlags enumerations. For example:
SaveTextFile(String or Stream, Boolean) SaveTextFile(String or Stream, TextFileFlags)
SaveTextFileFromRange(Int32,Int32,Int32,String,Boolean,IncludeHeaders,Boolean,String,String,String) SaveTextFileFromRange(Int32,Int32,Int32,String,TextFileFlags,IncludeHeaders,String,String,String)
LoadTextFile(String,Boolean,IncludeHeaders,String,String,String) LoadTextFile(String,TextFileFlags,IncludeHeaders,String,String,String)
Obsolete Properties - Replace property name with new name. For example:
FarPoint.Win.Spread.PrintInfo Class - ShowColumnHeaders Property FarPoint.Win.Spread.PrintInfo Class - ShowColumnHeader Property
FarPoint.Win.Spread.PrintInfo Class - ShowRowHeaders Property FarPoint.Win.Spread.PrintInfo Class - ShowRowHeader Property
FarPoint.Win.Spread.SheetView Class - GroupBarBackColor, GroupBarText, GroupBarVisible, GroupBarHeight, GroupVerticalIndent Properties FarPoint.Win.Spread.SheetView.GroupBarInfo Class - BackColor, Text, Visible, Height, GroupVerticalIndent Properties
Obsolete Flag - Remove enumeration flag
ExcelOpenFlags - DoNotRecalculateAfterLoad


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