Spread.NET ReadMe
Adding Spread to the Toolbox - ReadMe - Spread.NET

In order to use the product in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, you need to add the component to the Toolbox.

  1. If the Toolbox is not displayed, from the View menu in Visual Studio, choose Toolbox.
  2. Right-click in the Toolbox, and from the pop-up menu choose Customize Toolbox, Add/Remove Items, or Choose Items (depending on the version of Visual Studio).
  3. In the Customize Toolbox dialog, click the .NET Framework Components tab.
  4. In the .NET Framework Components tab, the Spread or GcMultiRow component (in the FarPoint.Web.Spread, FarPoint.Win.Spread namespace, or GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow.v60en namespace) should be displayed in the list of components.
  5. Select the FpSpread or GcMultiRow component check box and click OK.
  6. If the FpSpread or GcMultiRow component is not displayed in the list of components, click Browse and browse to the installation path for the Spread for .NET component. Once there, select FarPoint.Web.Spread.dll, FarPoint.Win.Spread.dll, or GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow.v60en and click Open. The FpSpread or GcMultiRow component is now displayed in the list of components. Select it and click OK.
  7. Click on the icon in the Toolbox and draw the control on the form.


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