Spread.NET ReadMe
Visual Studio .NET 2005 Projects - Spread ASP.NET

Visual Studio .NET 2005 Project

If you set the location option of a project in Visual Studio .NET 2005 to File System then you will need to make changes to the web.config file so that the project can access the fp_client folder. This folder contains images for the command bar as well as basic client script for the control.

 To update the fp_client folder location:

Code similar to the following would need to be added to the web config file. The fp_client folder (installed originally in \Program Files\Common Files\FarPoint Technologies) and its subfolders would need to be copied to the correct location. In the following example this would be the project folder.

For example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>






<add key="fp_client" value="fp_client" />




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