Spread Silverlight Documentation
IExcelPrintPageSetting Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IExcelPrintPageSetting.

Public Properties
 PropertyAdvancedHeadFooterSettingGets or sets the advanced head footer setting.  
 PropertyCellErrorPrintStyleGets or sets the print policy if the cell value is error  
 PropertyColumnBreakLinesGets or sets the column break lines.  
 PropertyCommentsStyleGets or sets the print node.  
 PropertyCopiesGets or sets the copies.  
 PropertyDraftGets or sets a value indicating whether this ExcelPrintPageSetting is draft.  
 PropertyFirstPageNumberGets or sets the first page number.  
 PropertyFooterGets or sets the footer.  
 PropertyFooterHeightGets or sets the height of the footer.  
 PropertyHeaderGets or sets the header.  
 PropertyHeaderHeightGets or sets the height of the header.  
 PropertyOrientationGets or sets the orientation.  
 PropertyPageOrderGets or sets the page order.  
 PropertyPaperSizeIndexGets or sets the size of the paper.  
 PropertyRowBreakLinesGets or sets the row break lines.  
 PropertyShowColorGets or sets a value indicating whether show color  
 PropertySmartPrintPagesHeightGets or sets the height of the smart print pages.  
 PropertySmartPrintPagesWidthGets or sets the width of the smart print pages.  
 PropertyUseCustomStartingPageGets or sets a value indicating whether [use custom starting page].  
 PropertyUseSmartPrintGets or sets a value indicating whether [use smart print].  
 PropertyZoomFactorGets or sets the zoom factor.  
See Also


IExcelPrintPageSetting Interface
GrapeCity.Excel Namespace



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