| Name | Description |
| AxisColor | Specifies the color of the horizontal axis for each sparkline in this sparkline group. |
| DateAxisRange | Date Axis Range |
| DisplayEmptyCellAs | Specifies how empty cells are plotted for all sparklines in the sparkline group |
| FirstColor | Specifies the color of the first data point for each sparkline in this sparkline group. |
| HighColor | Specifies the color of the highest data point for each sparkline in this sparkline group. |
| IsDateAxis | A flag specifies whether this sparkline group uses a data axis. |
| LastColor | Specifies the color of the last data point for each sparkline in this sparkline group. |
| LineWeight | Specifies the line weight for each sparkline in the sparkline group, where the weight is measured in points. |
| LowColor | Specifies the color of the lowest data point for each sparkline in this sparkline group. |
| ManualMaxValue | Specifies the maximums for the vertical axis that is shared across all sparklines in this sparkline group |
| ManualMinValue | Specifies the minimum for the vertical axis that is shared across all sparklines in this sparkline group |
| MarkersColor | Specifies the color of the data markers for each sparkline in this sparkline group. |
| MaxAxisType | Specifies how the vertical axis maximums for the sparklines in this sparkline group are calculated. |
| MinAxisType | Specifies how the vertical axis minimums for the sparklines in this sparkline group are calculated. |
| NegativeColor | Specifies the color of the negative data points for each sparkline in this sparkline group |
| RightToLeft | Specifies whether each sparkline in the sparkline group is displayed in a right-to-left manner. |
| SeriesColor | Specifies the color for each sparkline in this sparkline group |
| ShowFirstDifferently | Specifies whether the first data point is formatted differently for each sparkline in this sparkline group. |
| ShowHidden | Specifies whether data in hidden cells are plotted for the sparklines in this sparkline group. |
| ShowHighestDifferently | Specifies whether the data point with the highest value are formatted differently for each sparkline in this sparkline group. |
| ShowLastDifferently | Specifies whether the first data point is formatted differently for each sparkline in this sparkline group. |
| ShowLowestDifferently | Specifies whether the data points with the lowest value are formatted differently for each sparkline in this sparkline group. |
| ShowMarkers | Specifies whether data markers are displayed for each sparkline in this sparkline group. |
| ShowNegativeDifferently | Specifies whether the first data point is formatted differently for each sparkline in this sparkline group. |
| ShowXAxis | Specifies whether the first data point is formatted differently for each sparkline in this sparkline group. |
| Sparklines | Specifies properties for individual sparklines |
| SparklineType | Specifies the type of the sparkline. |