Spread Silverlight Documentation
IExcelWorkbook Interface Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by IExcelWorkbook.

Public Properties
 PropertyActivePaneIndexGets or sets the index of the active pane.  
 PropertyActiveSheetIndexGets or sets the index of the active sheet.  
 PropertyBuiltInNameListGets or sets the built-in names used in the workbook  
 PropertyCalculationModeGets or sets the calculation mode of the workbook  
 PropertyColorPaletteGets or sets the color palette used in the workbook.  
 PropertyCustomOrFunctionNameListGets or sets the custom or function names used in the workbook.  
 PropertyDefaultCellFormatGets or sets the default cell format of the workbook..  
 PropertyDefaultPivotTableStyleNameGet or set the name of the default table style to apply to new PivotTables.  
 PropertyDefaultTableStyleNameGet or set the name of the default table style to apply to new tables.  
 PropertyDifferentialFormattingsGets or sets the differential formatting settings of the workbook.  
 PropertyExcelCellFormatsGets or sets the excel cell formats used in the workbook.  
 PropertyExcelRectGets or sets the excel rect used to represents the workbook window.  
 PropertyExcelStylesGets the excel styles used in the workbook.  
 PropertyExternWorkbooksGets or sets the extern workbook information used in the workbook  
 PropertyFirstDisplayedTabIndexGets or sets the first index of the displayed tab.  
 PropertyHorizontalScrollBarPolicyGets or sets the horizontal scroll bar policy.  
 PropertyIs1904DateGets or sets a value indicating whether the workbook use 1904 date system.  
 PropertyIsIterataCalculateGets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is iterate calculate.  
 PropertyIsWindowDisplayAsIconGets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is window display as icon.  
 PropertyIsWindowHiddenGets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is window hidden.  
 PropertyLockedGets or sets a value indicating whether the IExcelWorkbook instance is locked.  
 PropertyMaximumChangeGets or sets the maximum change of the workbook.  
 PropertyMaximumIterationsGets or sets the maximum iterations of the workbook  
 PropertyNamedCellRangesGets or sets the global named cell ranges.  
 PropertyOperatorGets the excel operator which used to read or write information from (to) excel.  
 PropertyPrecisionAsDisplayGets or sets a value indicating whether the value is full precision.  
 PropertyRecalculateBeforeSaveGets or sets a value indicating whether recalculate formulas before save.  
 PropertyReferenceStyleGets or sets the workbook reference style.  
 PropertySaveExternalLinksGets or sets a value indicating whether save external links during save.  
 PropertySelectedTabCountGets or sets the selected tab count.  
 PropertyTableStylesGet the table styles used in the current workbook  
 PropertyTabStripPolicyGets or sets the tab strip policy.  
 PropertyTabStripRatioGets or sets the tab strip ratio.  
 PropertyThemeGets or sets the theme used in the IExcelWorkbook instance.  
 PropertyVerticalScrollBarPolicyGets or sets the vertical scroll bar policy.  
 PropertyWorksheetsGets the collection of IExcelWorksheet of the workbook.  
Public Methods
 MethodGetPaletteColorGets the closest palette color of specified color.  
 MethodGetThemeColorGets the color of the specified color scheme index.  
See Also


IExcelWorkbook Interface
GrapeCity.Excel Namespace



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