| Name | Description |
| CacheStyleObject | Caches the style object for performance reasons. |
| Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equivalent to this cell. |
| GetHashCode | Gets the hash code of an object. |
| IsValidValue | Determines whether the specified value is valid. |
| ResetBackground | Resets the background color for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the background color from the default cell. |
| ResetBackgroundThemeColor | Resets the background theme color for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the background theme color from the default cell. |
| ResetBorderBottom | Resets the bottom cell border for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the cell border from the default cell. |
| ResetBorderLeft | Resets the left cell border for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the cell border from the default cell. |
| ResetBorderRight | Resets the right cell border for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the cell border from the default cell. |
| ResetBorderTop | Resets the top cell border for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the cell border from the default cell. |
| ResetDataValidator | Resets the data validator for the cell to null. |
| ResetFocusable | Resets whether the cell can receive focus to its default value. |
| ResetFontFamily | Resets the font family for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the font family from the default cell. |
| ResetFontSize | Resets the font size for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the font size from the default cell. |
| ResetFontStretch | Resets the font stretch for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the font stretch from the default cell. |
| ResetFontStyle | Resets the font style for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the font style from the default cell. |
| ResetFontTheme | Resets the font theme for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the font theme from the default cell. |
| ResetFontWeight | Resets the font weight for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the font weight from the default cell. |
| ResetForeground | Resets the text (foreground) color for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the text color from the default cell. |
| ResetForegroundThemeColor | Resets the text (foreground) theme color for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the text (foreground) color from the default cell. |
| ResetFormatter | Resets the formatter for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the formatter from the default cell. |
| ResetHorizontalAlignment | Resets the horizontal alignment for the cell and makes the cell inherit the horizontal alignment from the default cell. |
| ResetLocked | Resets the locked state for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the locked state from the default cell. |
| ResetParentStyleName | Resets the ParentStyleName object for the cell to an empty string. |
| ResetShrinkToFit | Resets the shrink to fit setting for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the shrink to fit setting from the default cell. |
| ResetStrikethrough | Reset Strikethrough to false. |
| ResetStyleName | Resets the StyleName object for the cell to empty. |
| ResetTabStop | Resets whether the user can set focus to the cell using the Tab key, to its default value. |
| ResetText | Resets the text for the cell to empty. |
| ResetTextIndent | Resets the text indent for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the text indent from the default cell. |
| ResetUnderline | Reset Underline to false. |
| ResetValue | Resets the cell value to empty. |
| ResetVerticalAlignment | Resets the vertical alignment for the cell and makes the cell inherit the vertical alignment from the default cell. |
| ResetWordWrap | Resets the word wrap setting for the cell and causes the cell to inherit the word wrap setting from the default cell. |
| ToString | Overloaded. Gets a string that contains an absolute reference to this cell in the current reference style. |