Spread WPF Documentation
GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.Data Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
Provides the base classes, enumerations, and interfaces for the core document functionality.
ClassAutoFormatter Represents an automatic format.
ClassAverageCondition Represents an average condition.
ClassAverageRule Represents an average condition rule.
ClassAxis Base class for axes.
ClassAxis3D Represents the 3D axis class.
ClassAxisItemsCollection Provides a container for a SeriesDataCollection of object.
ClassBaseSparklineViewInfo Represents the base sparkline view information class.
ClassBorderLine Represents settings for the border line.
ClassBorderLineData Represents data for the border line.
ClassBorderLineLayoutEngine Represents a BorderLineLayoutEngine object.
ClassBubbleDataLabel Represents the text label element displayed for a data point value of the BubbleDataSeries.
ClassBubbleDataMarker Represents chart symbol of BubbleDataSeries.
ClassBubbleDataPoint Represents data points for BubbleDataSeries.
ClassCell Represents a cell in the GcSpreadSheet component.
ClassCellChangedEventArgs Represents the data for the CellChanged event.
ClassCellRange Represents a selected range of cells for a sheet.
ClassCells Represents a range of Cell objects.
ClassCellsEnumerator Represents a cells enumerator for any area of the sheet.
ClassCellSkipper Represents a skipped cell.
ClassCellValueRule Represents a cell value condition rule.
ClassChartChangedBaseEventArgs Provides a base class for event data of chart changed event.
ClassChartChangedEventArgs Provides data for the ChartChanged event.
ClassChartLabelStyleInfo Defines how you want the chart label to appear.
ClassChartSelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the ChartSelectionChanged event.
ClassChartSymbolStyleInfo Defines how you want the chart symbol to look.
ClassChartTitle Represents an element that specifies how the title of a chart is painted.
ClassColorCondition Represents a color condition.
ClassColumn Represents a column in the control.
ClassColumnHeader Represents a column header for the sheet.
ClassColumns Represents a range of Column objects.
ClassColumnSparklineViewInfo Represents the base column sparkline view information class.
ClassColumnsSwappedEventArgs Represents the data for ColumnSwapped event during sorting.
ClassConditionalFormat Represents a format condition collection.
ClassConditionBase Represents a condition base object.
ClassConnectionBase Represents a connection base for the data source.
ClassCsvFileSource Represents a data source class for Csv data binding.
ClassDataBarDrawingObject Represents a data bar object for drawing.
ClassDataBarRule Represents the data bar set rule.
ClassDataLabel Represents the text label element that displayed for a data point value.
ClassDataLabelSettings Defines the settings for data label.
ClassDataMarker Represents the base class for 2D chart symbols.
ClassDataPoint Represents the single data point that may have several data values.
ClassDataSeriesCollection Provides a container for a collection of SpreadDataSeries.
ClassDataValidator Represents a data validator base.
ClassDateCondition Represents a date condition.
ClassDateExCondition Represents a date condition.
ClassDateOccurringRule Represents a date occurring rule.
ClassDocumentAttachment Represents the document attachment for the PDF document.
ClassDoubleSeriesCollection Provides a container for a SeriesDataCollection of double.
ClassDrawingObject Represents a base drawing object for rules.
ClassDuplicateRule Represents a duplicate condition rule.
ClassExcelBuiltInStyleHelper Internal use only.
ClassExcelErrorEventArgs Provides information when an error occurs during loading or saving an excel file.
ClassFloatingObjectChangedEventArgs Provides data for the FloatingObjectSelectionChanged event.
ClassFloatingObjectCollection<T> Represents a collection for a floating object.
ClassFloatingObjects Provides a container for a collection of FloatingObject.
ClassFloatingObjectSelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the FloatingObjectSelectionChanged event.
ClassFormattingRuleBase Represents a base rule for conditional rules.
ClassFormulaCondition Represents a formula condition.
ClassFormulaRule Represents a formula rule.
ClassGeneralFormatter Represents a general formatter.
ClassHeaderBase Represents a header for the sheet area base.
ClassHideRowFilter Represents a default row filter.
ClassIconCriterion Represents icon criteria.
ClassIconDrawingObject Represents an icon object for drawing.
ClassIconSetRule Represents the icon set rule.
ClassInset Represents the dimensions of borders and margins.
ClassLegend Represents a legend area in the chart.
ClassLegend3D Represents the legend for the 3D surface chart.
ClassLineItem Represents metadata for a line object.
ClassLineSparklineViewInfo Represents the base line sparkline view information class.
ClassMargins Specifies the dimensions of the printed page margins.
ClassNameInfo Represents a custom named expression that can be used by formulas.
ClassNotifyCollection<T> Represents a collection that notifies listeners of dynamic changes when items are added and removed or the entire collection object is reset.
ClassNotifyCollectionBase<T> Represents a base collection that notifies listeners of dynamic changes when items are added and removed or the entire collection object is reset.
ClassNumberCondition Represents a number condition.
ClassOpenHighLowCloseDataLabel Represents the text label element displayed for a data point value of the OpenHighLowCloseDataSeries.
ClassOpenHighLowCloseDataMarker Represents chart symbol of OpenHighLowCloseDataSeries.
ClassOpenHighLowCloseDataPoint Represents data points for OpenHighLowCloseDataSeries.
ClassPaperSize Specifies the paper size.
ClassPdfExportSettings Represents the settings for the PDF exporter.
ClassPicture Represents a picture in spread.
ClassPictureChangedEventArgs Provides data for the PictureChanged event.
ClassPictureSelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the PictureSelectionChanged event.
ClassPlotArea Represents the plot areas for the chart.
ClassPrintInfo Represents the information to use when printing a Worksheet.
ClassPrintPreset Represents the printer settings for the PDF viewer.
ClassPrintPreset.PrintRange Represents a preset print range.
ClassRangeGroup Represents a range group for the worksheet.
ClassRangeGroup.RangeGroupData Represents state information of the range group.
ClassRangeGroupInfo Represents the range grouping information.
ClassRelationCondition Represents a relation condition.
ClassRow Represents a row in the component.
ClassRowFilterBase Represents a row filter base that supports row filters for filtering rows in a sheet.
ClassRowHeader Represents a row header for the sheet.
ClassRows Represents a range of Row objects.
ClassRowsSwappedEventArgs Represents the data for RowsSwapped event during sorting.
ClassScaleRule Represents a general scale rule.
ClassScaleValue Represents a scale value.
ClassSerializer The Serializer class.
ClassSeriesDataCollection<T> Provides a base collection for series data.
ClassSheetChangedEventArgs Represents the data with a specified change type for the CellChanged event.
ClassSheetSelectionChangedEventArgs Represents the event data for the Changed event of the worksheet selection.
ClassSheetSpanModel Represents the full (concrete) implementation of the ISheetSpanModel interface for a worksheet span model, which represents cell spans.
ClassSheetSpanModelBase Interface that supports creating a model that represents cell spans.
ClassSheetSpanModelChangedEventArgs Represents span model event data.
ClassSheetTable Represents a table which can be added in a sheet.
ClassSortInfo Represents the information related to sorting columns, rows, or a range of cells.
ClassSparkline Represents the Sparkline object.
ClassSparklineGroup Represents a group of Excel-like sparklines.
ClassSparklineSetting Represents a setting of an Excel-like sparkline.
ClassSpecificTextRule Represents a text condition rule.
ClassSpreadBubbleSeries The BubbleSeries can contain values that specify the symbol size for each data point. Use BubbleSeries to create bubble charts.
ClassSpreadChart Represents a chart instance in Spread.
ClassSpreadChartBase Represents the base chart implementation.
ClassSpreadChartElement A base class for all the elements of the chart.
ClassSpreadChartElementCollection<T> Represents a strongly typed collection for SpreadChartElement.
ClassSpreadCharts Provides a container for a collection of SpreadChart.
ClassSpreadChartShapeBase Represents the base chart and shape implementation.
ClassSpreadChartTextElement A spread chart element that displays text.
ClassSpreadDataSeries Represents a data series which contains a group of data values.
ClassSpreadHighLowSeries Represents a data series with x, y, high, and low values.
ClassSpreadOpenHighLowCloseSeries Represents an open-high-low-close series in a Y plot area.
ClassSpreadPictures Provides a container for a collection of Picture.
ClassSpreadSurfaceChart Represents a surface chart instance in spread.
ClassSpreadSurfaceChartElement A spread chart element that represents a surface chart.
ClassSpreadSurfaceCharts Provides a container for a collection of SpreadSurfaceChart.
ClassSpreadTheme Represents a spread theme class.
ClassSpreadThemes Represents all built-in themes.
ClassSpreadXYDataSeries Represents data series with X- and Y-values.
ClassSpreadXYZDataSeries Represents data series that contains collection of 3D points.
ClassStringSeriesCollection Provides a container for a SeriesDataCollection of string.
ClassStyleInfo Represents the set of cell-level style settings for objects.
ClassStyleInfoCollection Represents a collection of custom styles (StyleInfo objects).
ClassStyleInfoCollectionChangedEventArgs Represents the event data for the NamedStyleCollection object's Changed event.
ClassSurfaceChartChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SurfaceChartChanged event.
ClassSurfaceChartSelectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the SurfaceChartSelectionChanged event.
ClassTableStyle Represents table style settings.
ClassTableStyleInfo Represents a TableStyleInfo object.
ClassTableStyles Represents a built-in table style collection.
ClassTextCondition Represents a text condition.
ClassTextLengthCondition Represents a number condition.
ClassThemeColor Represents the theme color class.
ClassThemeColors Represents the theme color of built-in themes.
ClassThreeColorScaleRule Represents the three color scale rule.
ClassTimeCondition Represents a time condition.
ClassTop10Condition Represents a top 10 condition.
ClassTop10Rule Represents a top 10 rule.
ClassTwoColorScaleRule Represents the two color scale rule.
ClassUniqueRule Represents a unique condition rule.
ClassView3DSettings Defines how you want the 3D chart to look.
ClassViewportInfo Represents a ViewportInfo object.
ClassWinLossSparklineViewInfo Represents the winloss line sparkline view information class.
ClassWorkbook Represents a workbook for the component.
ClassWorksheet Represents a sheet.
ClassWorksheetCollection Represents a sheet collection.
ClassXYDataLabel Represents the text label element displayed for a data point value of the XYDataSeries.
ClassXYDataMarker Represents chart symbol of XYZDataSeries.
ClassXYDataPoint Represents data points for XYDataSeries.
ClassXYZDataLabel Represents the text label element displayed for a data point value of the XYZDataSeries.
ClassXYZDataMarker Represents chart symbol of XYZDataSeries.
ClassXYZDataPoint Represents data points for XYZDataSeries.
InterfaceIActualValue Represents an actual value object.
InterfaceIBubbleDataPoint Defines the interface for BubbleDataPoint.
InterfaceICalcEvaluator Represents an object that can evaluate an expression or a function.
InterfaceICellRange Represents a CellRange object.
InterfaceICellsSupport Interface that supports cell, column, and row operations.
InterfaceIColorFormatter Interface that defines the methods and properties required by objects used to format foreground values.
InterfaceIDataPoint Defines the interface for DataPoint.
InterfaceIFloatingObject Represents the interface for the floating object.
InterfaceIFormatter Interface that defines the methods and properties required by objects used as formatters.
InterfaceISparklineData Represents an object that provides data to a sparkline.
InterfaceISparklineSheet Represents a sheet that hosts the sparkline.
InterfaceIThemeContextSupport Represents an interface for supporting a theme context.
InterfaceIThemeSupport Represents an interface for supporting a theme.
InterfaceIUIActionExecuter An interface that executes code from the UI.
InterfaceIXYDataPoint Defines the interface for XYDataPoint.
InterfaceIXYZDataPoint Defines the interface for XYZDataPoint.
DelegateCellSkipper.SkipHandler The skip handler.
EnumerationAutoFillType Represents the type of drag fill.
EnumerationAverageConditionType Specifies the type for the average condition.
EnumerationAxisCrosses Specifies how the axis crosses the perpendicular axis.
EnumerationAxisLabelPosition Specifies the position of the axis labels.
EnumerationAxisPosition Specifies the axis position.
EnumerationAxisTickPosition Specifies the axis tick position.
EnumerationAxisTimeUnit Specifies the unit of time.
EnumerationAxisType Specifies the axis type.
EnumerationBarDirection Specifies the direction of the data bar.
EnumerationBorderLineStyle Specifies the line drawing style for the border.
EnumerationCellHorizontalAlignment Specifies the horizontal alignment of the cell.
EnumerationCellVerticalAlignment Specifies vertical alignment for the cell.
EnumerationCentering Specifics the type of centering for the printed page.
EnumerationChartPositionType Specifies how to change the chart position when cells move.
EnumerationClipboardPasteOptions Specifies what data is pasted from the Clipboard.
EnumerationColorCompareType Specifies how a cell style compares to a specified style.
EnumerationComparisonOperator Specifies the conditional format operators.
EnumerationCopyToOption Represents which type of cell data is copied when invoking the worksheet's Copy or Move method.
EnumerationCriteriaType Specifies the criteria type of the data validator.
EnumerationCustomValueType Specifies the custom cell value type.
EnumerationDataBarAxisPosition Specifies the position of the axis.
EnumerationDataOrientation Represents the orientation of the range.
EnumerationDateCompareType Specifies the date comparison type.
EnumerationDateOccurringType Specifies a condition for when a date occurs.
EnumerationDestinationType Specifies the destination types for internal and external links.
EnumerationEmptyValueStyle Specifies how to show an empty value from a data series in the chart.
EnumerationErrorStyle Specifies the icons used in the error alert.
EnumerationExcelFileFormat The type of Excel workbook.
EnumerationExcelOpenFlags Specifies what part of the Excel-compatible file to load into the spreadsheet.
EnumerationExcelSaveFlags Specifies what part of the spreadsheet to export to an Excel-compatible file.
EnumerationFillDateUnit Represents the fill data time policy.
EnumerationFillDirection Specifies the direction of the fill in the view.
EnumerationFillSeries Represents the series type of fill data.
EnumerationFormatMode Specifies the format string mode for a formatter.
EnumerationGeneralCompareType Specifies the comparison type for data.
EnumerationGradientStyle Specifies the background gradient style.
EnumerationGroupState Specifies the status of an outline (range group).
EnumerationHeaderAutoText Specifies which default labels are displayed in headers.
EnumerationIconSetType Specifies the icon set.
EnumerationIconValueType Specifies the scale type for the value.
EnumerationLegendAlignment Specifies how to align the legend.
EnumerationLegendLabelPosition Specifies the labels' position relative to the legend.
EnumerationLegendPosition Specifies the position of the legend.
EnumerationMarkerType Specifies the data point marker type.
EnumerationMonthOfYearType Specifies the month in which the date occurs.
EnumerationPictureSerializationMode Indicates how to serialize the picture.
EnumerationPlaneAppearance Options for ceil and floor appearance.
EnumerationPrintPageOrder Specifies the order in which pages are printed.
EnumerationPrintPageOrientation Specifies the page orientation used for printing.
EnumerationQuarterType Specifies in which quarter of the year the date occurs.
EnumerationRadarLabelVisibility Specifies the display state of the label in radar chart.
EnumerationRangeGroupDirection Specifies the status of a range group summary row or column position.
EnumerationReferenceStyle Specifies the reference style in formulas and custom names in the sheet.
EnumerationRelationCompareType Specifies the relation operator.
EnumerationScaleValueType Specifies the scale type for the value.
EnumerationSearchFlags Specifies the type of search flags.
EnumerationSearchFoundFlags Specifies where the search string is found.
EnumerationSearchOrder Specifies the type of search direction.
EnumerationSelectionPolicy Specifies how users can select items in the control.
EnumerationSelectionUnit Specifies the smallest unit users or the application can select.
EnumerationSeriesDisplay Specifies various display options for the data series.
EnumerationSetBorderOptions Specifies the options for the border setting.
EnumerationSheetArea Specifies the area in the sheet.
EnumerationSheetChangedEventAction Specifies the type of sheet event.
EnumerationSheetSpanModelChangedEventAction Specifies the type of Change event that has occurred for a span model for the sheet.
EnumerationShowResizeTip Defines how the resize tip is shown for a GcSpreadsheet control.
EnumerationShowScrollTip Specifies how the scroll tip is shown for a GcSpreadsheet control.
EnumerationSortState Indicates the sort state.
EnumerationSparklineAxisMinMax An enumeration that specifies information about how the vertical axis minimum or maximum is computed for this sparkline group.
EnumerationSparklineType Represents the sparkline type.
EnumerationSpecialDateType Specifies the type of date value.
EnumerationSpreadChartType Specifies the chart type.
EnumerationSpreadSurfaceChartType Specifies the type of surface chart.
EnumerationStorageType Specifies the type of storage data.
EnumerationStrokeDashType Specifies the dash type.
EnumerationStyleInfoCollectionChangedAction Specifies the type of change event that has occurred for the style in the collection.
EnumerationTextCompareType Specifies the comparison type for text data.
EnumerationTextComparisonOperator Specifies the text comparison operator.
EnumerationTextFileFlags Specifies how to process the data when saving to a text file.
EnumerationTextFileOpenFlags Specifies the import flags.
EnumerationTextFileSaveFlags Specifies the export flags.
EnumerationTickAppearance Defines the tick appearance.
EnumerationTitleType Specifies the title type.
EnumerationTop10ConditionType Specifies the type for the top 10 condition.
EnumerationUniqueConditionType Specifies whether this is a unique condition.
EnumerationUnitType Specifies the unit of measurement.
EnumerationVisibilityType Specifies whether the area is visible.
See Also


GrapeCity.WPF.SpreadSheet.Data Assembly



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