Class | Description | |
AutoFormatter | Represents an automatic format. | |
AverageCondition | Represents an average condition. | |
AverageRule | Represents an average condition rule. | |
Axis | Base class for axes. | |
Axis3D | Represents the 3D axis class. | |
AxisItemsCollection | Provides a container for a SeriesDataCollection of object. | |
BaseSparklineViewInfo | Represents the base sparkline view information class. | |
BorderLine | Represents settings for the border line. | |
BorderLineData | Represents data for the border line. | |
BorderLineLayoutEngine | Represents a BorderLineLayoutEngine object. | |
BubbleDataLabel | Represents the text label element displayed for a data point value of the BubbleDataSeries. | |
BubbleDataMarker | Represents chart symbol of BubbleDataSeries. | |
BubbleDataPoint | Represents data points for BubbleDataSeries. | |
Cell | Represents a cell in the GcSpreadSheet component. | |
CellChangedEventArgs | Represents the data for the CellChanged event. | |
CellRange | Represents a selected range of cells for a sheet. | |
Cells | Represents a range of Cell objects. | |
CellsEnumerator | Represents a cells enumerator for any area of the sheet. | |
CellSkipper | Represents a skipped cell. | |
CellValueRule | Represents a cell value condition rule. | |
ChartChangedBaseEventArgs | Provides a base class for event data of chart changed event. | |
ChartChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the ChartChanged event. | |
ChartLabelStyleInfo | Defines how you want the chart label to appear. | |
ChartSelectionChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the ChartSelectionChanged event. | |
ChartSymbolStyleInfo | Defines how you want the chart symbol to look. | |
ChartTitle | Represents an element that specifies how the title of a chart is painted. | |
ColorCondition | Represents a color condition. | |
Column | Represents a column in the control. | |
ColumnHeader | Represents a column header for the sheet. | |
Columns | Represents a range of Column objects. | |
ColumnSparklineViewInfo | Represents the base column sparkline view information class. | |
ColumnsSwappedEventArgs | Represents the data for ColumnSwapped event during sorting. | |
ConditionalFormat | Represents a format condition collection. | |
ConditionBase | Represents a condition base object. | |
ConnectionBase | Represents a connection base for the data source. | |
CsvFileSource | Represents a data source class for Csv data binding. | |
DataBarDrawingObject | Represents a data bar object for drawing. | |
DataBarRule | Represents the data bar set rule. | |
DataLabel | Represents the text label element that displayed for a data point value. | |
DataLabelSettings | Defines the settings for data label. | |
DataMarker | Represents the base class for 2D chart symbols. | |
DataPoint | Represents the single data point that may have several data values. | |
DataSeriesCollection | Provides a container for a collection of SpreadDataSeries. | |
DataValidator | Represents a data validator base. | |
DateCondition | Represents a date condition. | |
DateExCondition | Represents a date condition. | |
DateOccurringRule | Represents a date occurring rule. | |
DocumentAttachment | Represents the document attachment for the PDF document. | |
DoubleSeriesCollection | Provides a container for a SeriesDataCollection of double. | |
DrawingObject | Represents a base drawing object for rules. | |
DuplicateRule | Represents a duplicate condition rule. | |
ExcelBuiltInStyleHelper | Internal use only. | |
ExcelErrorEventArgs | Provides information when an error occurs during loading or saving an excel file. | |
FloatingObject | ||
FloatingObjectChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the FloatingObjectSelectionChanged event. | |
FloatingObjectCollection<T> | Represents a collection for a floating object. | |
FloatingObjects | Provides a container for a collection of FloatingObject. | |
FloatingObjectSelectionChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the FloatingObjectSelectionChanged event. | |
FormattingRuleBase | Represents a base rule for conditional rules. | |
FormulaCondition | Represents a formula condition. | |
FormulaRule | Represents a formula rule. | |
GeneralFormatter | Represents a general formatter. | |
HeaderBase | Represents a header for the sheet area base. | |
HideRowFilter | Represents a default row filter. | |
IconCriterion | Represents icon criteria. | |
IconDrawingObject | Represents an icon object for drawing. | |
IconSetRule | Represents the icon set rule. | |
Inset | Represents the dimensions of borders and margins. | |
Legend | Represents a legend area in the chart. | |
Legend3D | Represents the legend for the 3D surface chart. | |
LineItem | Represents metadata for a line object. | |
LineSparklineViewInfo | Represents the base line sparkline view information class. | |
Margins | Specifies the dimensions of the printed page margins. | |
NameInfo | Represents a custom named expression that can be used by formulas. | |
NotifyCollection<T> | Represents a collection that notifies listeners of dynamic changes when items are added and removed or the entire collection object is reset. | |
NotifyCollectionBase<T> | Represents a base collection that notifies listeners of dynamic changes when items are added and removed or the entire collection object is reset. | |
NumberCondition | Represents a number condition. | |
OpenHighLowCloseDataLabel | Represents the text label element displayed for a data point value of the OpenHighLowCloseDataSeries. | |
OpenHighLowCloseDataMarker | Represents chart symbol of OpenHighLowCloseDataSeries. | |
OpenHighLowCloseDataPoint | Represents data points for OpenHighLowCloseDataSeries. | |
PaperSize | Specifies the paper size. | |
PdfExportSettings | Represents the settings for the PDF exporter. | |
Picture | Represents a picture in spread. | |
PictureChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the PictureChanged event. | |
PictureSelectionChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the PictureSelectionChanged event. | |
PlotArea | Represents the plot areas for the chart. | |
PrintInfo | Represents the information to use when printing a Worksheet. | |
PrintPreset | Represents the printer settings for the PDF viewer. | |
PrintPreset.PrintRange | Represents a preset print range. | |
RangeGroup | Represents a range group for the worksheet. | |
RangeGroup.RangeGroupData | Represents state information of the range group. | |
RangeGroupInfo | Represents the range grouping information. | |
RelationCondition | Represents a relation condition. | |
Row | Represents a row in the component. | |
RowFilterBase | Represents a row filter base that supports row filters for filtering rows in a sheet. | |
RowHeader | Represents a row header for the sheet. | |
Rows | Represents a range of Row objects. | |
RowsSwappedEventArgs | Represents the data for RowsSwapped event during sorting. | |
ScaleRule | Represents a general scale rule. | |
ScaleValue | Represents a scale value. | |
Serializer | The Serializer class. | |
SeriesDataCollection<T> | Provides a base collection for series data. | |
SheetChangedEventArgs | Represents the data with a specified change type for the CellChanged event. | |
SheetSelectionChangedEventArgs | Represents the event data for the Changed event of the worksheet selection. | |
SheetSpanModel | Represents the full (concrete) implementation of the ISheetSpanModel interface for a worksheet span model, which represents cell spans. | |
SheetSpanModelBase | Interface that supports creating a model that represents cell spans. | |
SheetSpanModelChangedEventArgs | Represents span model event data. | |
SheetTable | Represents a table which can be added in a sheet. | |
SortInfo | Represents the information related to sorting columns, rows, or a range of cells. | |
Sparkline | Represents the Sparkline object. | |
SparklineGroup | Represents a group of Excel-like sparklines. | |
SparklineSetting | Represents a setting of an Excel-like sparkline. | |
SpecificTextRule | Represents a text condition rule. | |
SpreadBubbleSeries | The BubbleSeries can contain values that specify the symbol size for each data point. Use BubbleSeries to create bubble charts. | |
SpreadChart | Represents a chart instance in Spread. | |
SpreadChartBase | Represents the base chart implementation. | |
SpreadChartElement | A base class for all the elements of the chart. | |
SpreadChartElementCollection<T> | Represents a strongly typed collection for SpreadChartElement. | |
SpreadCharts | Provides a container for a collection of SpreadChart. | |
SpreadChartShapeBase | Represents the base chart and shape implementation. | |
SpreadChartTextElement | A spread chart element that displays text. | |
SpreadDataSeries | Represents a data series which contains a group of data values. | |
SpreadHighLowSeries | Represents a data series with x, y, high, and low values. | |
SpreadOpenHighLowCloseSeries | Represents an open-high-low-close series in a Y plot area. | |
SpreadPictures | Provides a container for a collection of Picture. | |
SpreadSurfaceChart | Represents a surface chart instance in spread. | |
SpreadSurfaceChartElement | A spread chart element that represents a surface chart. | |
SpreadSurfaceCharts | Provides a container for a collection of SpreadSurfaceChart. | |
SpreadTheme | Represents a spread theme class. | |
SpreadThemes | Represents all built-in themes. | |
SpreadXYDataSeries | Represents data series with X- and Y-values. | |
SpreadXYZDataSeries | Represents data series that contains collection of 3D points. | |
StringSeriesCollection | Provides a container for a SeriesDataCollection of string. | |
StyleInfo | Represents the set of cell-level style settings for objects. | |
StyleInfoCollection | Represents a collection of custom styles (StyleInfo objects). | |
StyleInfoCollectionChangedEventArgs | Represents the event data for the NamedStyleCollection object's Changed event. | |
SurfaceChartChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SurfaceChartChanged event. | |
SurfaceChartSelectionChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the SurfaceChartSelectionChanged event. | |
TableStyle | Represents table style settings. | |
TableStyleInfo | Represents a TableStyleInfo object. | |
TableStyles | Represents a built-in table style collection. | |
TextCondition | Represents a text condition. | |
TextLengthCondition | Represents a number condition. | |
ThemeColor | Represents the theme color class. | |
ThemeColors | Represents the theme color of built-in themes. | |
ThreeColorScaleRule | Represents the three color scale rule. | |
TimeCondition | Represents a time condition. | |
Top10Condition | Represents a top 10 condition. | |
Top10Rule | Represents a top 10 rule. | |
TwoColorScaleRule | Represents the two color scale rule. | |
UniqueRule | Represents a unique condition rule. | |
View3DSettings | Defines how you want the 3D chart to look. | |
ViewportInfo | Represents a ViewportInfo object. | |
WinLossSparklineViewInfo | Represents the winloss line sparkline view information class. | |
Workbook | Represents a workbook for the component. | |
Worksheet | Represents a sheet. | |
WorksheetCollection | Represents a sheet collection. | |
XYDataLabel | Represents the text label element displayed for a data point value of the XYDataSeries. | |
XYDataMarker | Represents chart symbol of XYZDataSeries. | |
XYDataPoint | Represents data points for XYDataSeries. | |
XYZDataLabel | Represents the text label element displayed for a data point value of the XYZDataSeries. | |
XYZDataMarker | Represents chart symbol of XYZDataSeries. | |
XYZDataPoint | Represents data points for XYZDataSeries. |
Interface | Description | |
IActualValue | Represents an actual value object. | |
IBubbleDataPoint | Defines the interface for BubbleDataPoint. | |
ICalcEvaluator | Represents an object that can evaluate an expression or a function. | |
ICellRange | Represents a CellRange object. | |
ICellsSupport | Interface that supports cell, column, and row operations. | |
IColorFormatter | Interface that defines the methods and properties required by objects used to format foreground values. | |
IDataPoint | Defines the interface for DataPoint. | |
IFloatingObject | Represents the interface for the floating object. | |
IFormatter | Interface that defines the methods and properties required by objects used as formatters. | |
ISparklineData | Represents an object that provides data to a sparkline. | |
ISparklineSheet | Represents a sheet that hosts the sparkline. | |
IThemeContextSupport | Represents an interface for supporting a theme context. | |
IThemeSupport | Represents an interface for supporting a theme. | |
IUIActionExecuter | An interface that executes code from the UI. | |
IXYDataPoint | Defines the interface for XYDataPoint. | |
IXYZDataPoint | Defines the interface for XYZDataPoint. |
Delegate | Description | |
CellSkipper.SkipHandler | The skip handler. |
Enumeration | Description | |
AutoFillType | Represents the type of drag fill. | |
AverageConditionType | Specifies the type for the average condition. | |
AxisCrosses | Specifies how the axis crosses the perpendicular axis. | |
AxisLabelPosition | Specifies the position of the axis labels. | |
AxisPosition | Specifies the axis position. | |
AxisTickPosition | Specifies the axis tick position. | |
AxisTimeUnit | Specifies the unit of time. | |
AxisType | Specifies the axis type. | |
BarDirection | Specifies the direction of the data bar. | |
BorderLineStyle | Specifies the line drawing style for the border. | |
CellHorizontalAlignment | Specifies the horizontal alignment of the cell. | |
CellVerticalAlignment | Specifies vertical alignment for the cell. | |
Centering | Specifics the type of centering for the printed page. | |
ChartPositionType | Specifies how to change the chart position when cells move. | |
ClipboardPasteOptions | Specifies what data is pasted from the Clipboard. | |
ColorCompareType | Specifies how a cell style compares to a specified style. | |
ComparisonOperator | Specifies the conditional format operators. | |
CopyToOption | Represents which type of cell data is copied when invoking the worksheet's Copy or Move method. | |
CriteriaType | Specifies the criteria type of the data validator. | |
CustomValueType | Specifies the custom cell value type. | |
DataBarAxisPosition | Specifies the position of the axis. | |
DataOrientation | Represents the orientation of the range. | |
DateCompareType | Specifies the date comparison type. | |
DateOccurringType | Specifies a condition for when a date occurs. | |
DestinationType | Specifies the destination types for internal and external links. | |
EmptyValueStyle | Specifies how to show an empty value from a data series in the chart. | |
EnumeratorOption | ||
ErrorStyle | Specifies the icons used in the error alert. | |
ExcelFileFormat | The type of Excel workbook. | |
ExcelOpenFlags | Specifies what part of the Excel-compatible file to load into the spreadsheet. | |
ExcelSaveFlags | Specifies what part of the spreadsheet to export to an Excel-compatible file. | |
FillDateUnit | Represents the fill data time policy. | |
FillDirection | Specifies the direction of the fill in the view. | |
FillSeries | Represents the series type of fill data. | |
FormatMode | Specifies the format string mode for a formatter. | |
GeneralCompareType | Specifies the comparison type for data. | |
GradientStyle | Specifies the background gradient style. | |
GroupState | Specifies the status of an outline (range group). | |
HeaderAutoText | Specifies which default labels are displayed in headers. | |
IconSetType | Specifies the icon set. | |
IconValueType | Specifies the scale type for the value. | |
LegendAlignment | Specifies how to align the legend. | |
LegendLabelPosition | Specifies the labels' position relative to the legend. | |
LegendPosition | Specifies the position of the legend. | |
MarkerType | Specifies the data point marker type. | |
MonthOfYearType | Specifies the month in which the date occurs. | |
PictureSerializationMode | Indicates how to serialize the picture. | |
PlaneAppearance | Options for ceil and floor appearance. | |
PrintPageOrder | Specifies the order in which pages are printed. | |
PrintPageOrientation | Specifies the page orientation used for printing. | |
QuarterType | Specifies in which quarter of the year the date occurs. | |
RadarLabelVisibility | Specifies the display state of the label in radar chart. | |
RangeGroupDirection | Specifies the status of a range group summary row or column position. | |
ReferenceStyle | Specifies the reference style in formulas and custom names in the sheet. | |
RelationCompareType | Specifies the relation operator. | |
ScaleValueType | Specifies the scale type for the value. | |
SearchFlags | Specifies the type of search flags. | |
SearchFoundFlags | Specifies where the search string is found. | |
SearchOrder | Specifies the type of search direction. | |
SelectionPolicy | Specifies how users can select items in the control. | |
SelectionUnit | Specifies the smallest unit users or the application can select. | |
SeriesDisplay | Specifies various display options for the data series. | |
SetBorderOptions | Specifies the options for the border setting. | |
SheetArea | Specifies the area in the sheet. | |
SheetChangedEventAction | Specifies the type of sheet event. | |
SheetSpanModelChangedEventAction | Specifies the type of Change event that has occurred for a span model for the sheet. | |
ShowResizeTip | Defines how the resize tip is shown for a GcSpreadsheet control. | |
ShowScrollTip | Specifies how the scroll tip is shown for a GcSpreadsheet control. | |
SortState | Indicates the sort state. | |
SparklineAxisMinMax | An enumeration that specifies information about how the vertical axis minimum or maximum is computed for this sparkline group. | |
SparklineType | Represents the sparkline type. | |
SpecialDateType | Specifies the type of date value. | |
SpreadChartType | Specifies the chart type. | |
SpreadSurfaceChartType | Specifies the type of surface chart. | |
StorageType | Specifies the type of storage data. | |
StrokeDashType | Specifies the dash type. | |
StyleInfoCollectionChangedAction | Specifies the type of change event that has occurred for the style in the collection. | |
TextCompareType | Specifies the comparison type for text data. | |
TextComparisonOperator | Specifies the text comparison operator. | |
TextFileFlags | Specifies how to process the data when saving to a text file. | |
TextFileOpenFlags | Specifies the import flags. | |
TextFileSaveFlags | Specifies the export flags. | |
TickAppearance | Defines the tick appearance. | |
TitleType | Specifies the title type. | |
Top10ConditionType | Specifies the type for the top 10 condition. | |
UniqueConditionType | Specifies whether this is a unique condition. | |
UnitType | Specifies the unit of measurement. | |
VisibilityType | Specifies whether the area is visible. |