Spread WPF Documentation


This function replaces part of a text string with a different text string.




This function has these arguments:

Argument Description
old_text Original text in which you want to replace characters
start_char Starting position in the original text to begin the replacement
num_chars Number of characters in the original text that you want to replace with characters from the new text; if not an integer, the number is truncated
new_text New text that replaces characters in the original text


Use this function to replace a specified number of characters in a specified location with other characters. Use the SUBSTITUTE function to replace specific text with other text.

Data Types

Accepts string data for the old_text argument, numeric data for the start_char argument, numeric data for the num_chars argument, and string data for the new_text argument. Returns string data.


This example replaces three characters with one character, starting with the sixth character in the provided text:

REPLACE(""abcdefghijk"", 6, 3, ""%"") gives the result abcde%ijk

See Also



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