GrapeCity.Excel.Chart Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassDisplayUnits Specifies the scaling value of the display units for the value axis.
ClassExcelArea3DChart Represents a excel area 3D chart.
ClassExcelAreaChart Represents a excel area chart.
ClassExcelAreaSeries Implement the IAreaSeries interface
ClassExcelBar3DChart Represents the excel bar 3D chart.
ClassExcelBarChart Represent excel column or bar chart.
ClassExcelBarSeries Implement the IBarSeries interface
ClassExcelBubbleSeries Specifies a series on a bubble chart.
ClassExcelCategoryAxisData Implement the interface of ICategoryAxisData
ClassExcelChart Represents IExcel chart instance.
ClassExcelChartCategoryAxis Specifies the category axis of the chart.
ClassExcelChartDataTable Represents a data table.
ClassExcelChartDateAxis Specifies the category axis of the chart.
ClassExcelChartFormat Represents the chart format
ClassExcelChartLegend Specifies the legend
ClassExcelChartLines Represents lines used in Chart, such as series line, drop line and high-low lines.
ClassExcelChartSeriesAxis Specifies the series axis of the chart.
ClassExcelChartTitle Defines a title for chart.
ClassExcelChartValueAxis Represents a value axis.
ClassExcelDataLabel Represents a single data label of a data point or trendline.
ClassExcelDataLabels Specifies the settings for the data labels for an entire series or the entire chart.
ClassExcelDataMarker Specifies a data marker
ClassExcelDataPoint Specifies a single data point
ClassExcelDoughnutChart Represents an excel Doughnut chart.
ClassExcelDrawingColorSettings Represents additional color settings used in Chart
ClassExcelErrorBars Implement the interface IErrorBars
ClassExcelGradientStop Defines a gradient stop. A gradient stop consists of a position where the stop appears in the color band.
ClassExcelGridLine Defines gridlines
ClassExcelLegendEntry Specifies a lengend entry
ClassExcelLine3DChart Represents an excel line 3d chart.
ClassExcelLineChart Represents an excel line chart
ClassExcelLineSeries Specifies a series on a line chart.
ClassExcelManualLayout Specifies how the chart element is placed on the chart
ClassExcelNumberPoint Specifies data for a particular data point.
ClassExcelOfPieChart Represents an excel bar of pie or pie of pie chart.
ClassExcelPie3DChart Represents an excel pie 3d chart.
ClassExcelPieChart Represents an excel pie chart.
ClassExcelPieSeries Specifies a series on a pie chart.
ClassExcelRadarChart Represents an excel scatter chart.
ClassExcelRadarSeries Specifies a series on a radar chart.
ClassExcelScatterChart Represents an excel scatter chart.
ClassExcelScatterSeries Specifies a series on a scatter chart.
ClassExcelSeriesName Specifies text for a series name.
ClassExcelSeriesValue Specifies the data values which shall be used to define the location of data markers on a charts.
ClassExcelStockChart Represents an excel stock chart.
ClassExcelSurface3DChart Represents an excel surface 3D chart.
ClassExcelSurfaceChart Represents an excel surface chart.
ClassExcelSurfaceSeries Specifies a series on a surface chart.
ClassExcelTextFormat Represents the text format.
ClassExcelTrendLineLabel Specifies the lable for the trendline
ClassExcelUpDownBars Specifies the up and down bars
ClassExcelWall Represents the wall of the chart.
ClassGradientFillFormat Represents a gradient fill format.
ClassGroupFill Represents a group indicates that the chart is part of a group and should inherit the fill properties of the group.
ClassLayout Specifies how the chart element is placed on the chart.
ClassLineEndStyle Represent the line end style
ClassLineFormat Represents the line format settings for the chart.
ClassNoFillFormat Represents that the current fill format in NoFill
ClassNumericDataLiterals Specifies a set of numbers used for the parent element.
ClassPatternFill Represents a pattern fill format.
ClassPictureFill Represents a picture or texture fill.
ClassPictureOptions Specifies the picture to be used on the data point, series, wall, or floor.
ClassRichText Represents a rich text settings.
ClassScaling Inplement the IScaling interface.
ClassSolidFillFormat Represents a solid fill format.
ClassStringLiteralData Specifies a set of strings used for a chart.
ClassTextParagraph Specifies the presence of a paragraph of text within the containing text body.
ClassTextRun Specifies the presence of a run of text within the containing text doay.
ClassTile Specifies that a blip should be tiled to fill the avilable space.
ClassViewIn3D specifies the 3-D view of the chart.
InterfaceIExcelArea3DChart Specifies an excel area 3D chart.
InterfaceIExcelAreaChart Specifies an excel area chart.
InterfaceIExcelAreaChartBase Represents the commom settings for all Area
InterfaceIExcelAreaSeries Specifies a series on an area chart.
InterfaceIExcelBarChart Specifies an excel bar chart
InterfaceIExcelBarChartBase Represents the commom settrings for all bar kind charts
InterfaceIExcelBarSeries Specifies a series on a bar chart.
InterfaceIExcelBubbleChart Specifies an excel bubble chart.
InterfaceIExcelBubbleSeries Specifies a series on a Bulle chart.
InterfaceIExcelChart Represents a excel chart
InterfaceIExcelChartAxis Represents a chart Axis.
InterfaceIExcelChartBase Represetns the common chart settings for all chart type
InterfaceIExcelChartCategoryAxis Specifies the category axis of the chart.
InterfaceIExcelChartCategoryAxisData Specifies the data used for the category axis.
InterfaceIExcelChartDataTable Represents a data table.
InterfaceIExcelChartDateAxis Specifies a date axis for the chart.
InterfaceIExcelChartFormat Specifies the formatting for the chart element.
InterfaceIExcelChartLegend Specifies the legend
InterfaceIExcelChartSeriesAxis Specifies a series axis for the chart.
InterfaceIExcelChartSeriesBase Specifies a series
InterfaceIExcelChartTitle Specifies a title
InterfaceIExcelChartValueAxis Specifies a value axis
InterfaceIExcelDataLabel Represents a single data label of a data point or trendline.
InterfaceIExcelDataLabels Specifies the settings for the data labels for an entire series or the entire chart.
InterfaceIExcelDataPoint Specifies a single data point
InterfaceIExcelDoughnutChart Specifies the Excel Doughnut chart
InterfaceIExcelErrorBars Specifies error bars.
InterfaceIExcelGridLines Defines gridlines
InterfaceIExcelLegendEntry Specifies a lengend entry
InterfaceIExcelLine3DChart Specifies an excel Line 3D chart.
InterfaceIExcelLineChart Specifies an excel line chart.
InterfaceIExcelLineChartBase Represents the common settings for all line kind charts.
InterfaceIExcelLineSeries Specifies a series on a line chart.
InterfaceIExcelOfPieChart Represents the excel of pie chart, like BarOfPie or PieOfPie.
InterfaceIExcelPie3DChart Represents the excel pie 3D chart.
InterfaceIExcelPieChart Represents the excel pie chart.
InterfaceIExcelPieChartBase Represents the common settings for all pie kind charts
InterfaceIExcelPieSeries Specifies a series on a pie chart.
InterfaceIExcelRadarChart Specifies an excel Radar chart.
InterfaceIExcelRadarSeries Specifies a series on a radar chart.
InterfaceIExcelScatterChart Specifies an excel scatter chart.
InterfaceIExcelScatterSeries Specifies a series on a scatter chart.
InterfaceIExcelSeriesName Specifies text for a series name.
InterfaceIExcelSeriesValue Specifies the data values which shall be used to define the location of data markers on a charts.
InterfaceIExcelStockChart Represents an excel stock chart.
InterfaceIExcelSurface3DChart Sepecifies an excel surface 3D chart.
InterfaceIExcelSurfaceChart Sepecifies an excel surface chart.
InterfaceIExcelSurfaceChartBase Represents the common settings for all surface kind chart
InterfaceIExcelSurfaceSeries Specifies a series on a surface chart.
InterfaceIExcelTextFormat Specifies the formatting for the text.
InterfaceIExcelTrendLine A trendline is a straight or curved line that graphically represents the general trend of the data points of a series.
InterfaceIExcelWall Specifies the wall of the chart.
InterfaceILineFormat Specifies a line style that can be applied to shapes and texts.
InterfaceIScaling Specifies the additional axis scale settings.
EnumerationAxisCrosses Specifies how the axis crosses the perpendicular axis.
EnumerationAxisOrientation Specifies the possible ways to place a picture on a data point, series, wall of floor.
EnumerationAxisPosition Specifies the position for an axis.
EnumerationAxisTimeUnit specifies a unit of time
EnumerationBubbleSizeRepresents Specifies the possible ways to represents data as bubble chart sizes.
EnumerationBuiltInDisplayUnitValue Specifies the display unit is one of the built in values
EnumerationChartFormatPatternFillStyle Indicates a preset type of pattern fill.
EnumerationCompoundLineType Specifies the compound line type that is to be used for lines with text such as underlines.
EnumerationCrossBetween specifies the possible crossing states of an axis.
EnumerationDataLabelPosition Specifies the position of the data label.
EnumerationDataPointMarkStyle Specifies the marker that is nused for the data points.
EnumerationDisplayBlankAs Specifies the possible ways to display blanks.
EnumerationEndLineCap Specifies how to cap the ends of lines.
EnumerationEndLineJoinType Specifies how end line join
EnumerationExcelChartAxisType Presents the axis type
EnumerationExcelChartType Defines the chart type.
EnumerationExcelErrorBarDireciton Specifies the possible direction for the error bars.
EnumerationExcelErrorBarType Specifies the style of the error bars -- positive, negative or both
EnumerationExcelErrorBarValueType Specifies the type of values used to determine the length of the error bars.
EnumerationExcelLayoutMode Represents the trendline layout mode
EnumerationExcelLayoutTarget This element specifies whether to layout the plot area by its inside ( not including axis and axis labels) or outside (including axis and axis labels)
EnumerationExcelLegendPositon Specifies the possible position for a legend
EnumerationExcelTrendLineType Represents the style of the trendline.
EnumerationFillFormatType The Fill format type
EnumerationGradientFillType Describes the sahep of path to follow for a path gradient shade.
EnumerationLabelAlignment Specifies the possible ways to align the tick lables.
EnumerationLineDashType Represents preset line dash values.
EnumerationLineEndType Represents the shape decoration that appears at the ends of lines.
EnumerationLineSize Represents the width of the line end decoration.
EnumerationOfPieChartSplitType Specifies the possible ways to split a pie of pie or bar of pie chart.
EnumerationPenAlignment Specifies the Pen Alignment type for use within a text body
EnumerationPictureFormat Specifies the possible ways to place a picture on a data point, series, wall of floor.
EnumerationTextAnchoringTypes Specifies a list of available anchoring types for the text.
EnumerationTextHorizontalOverflow Specifices the text horizontal overflow types.
EnumerationTextOverflowTypes Specifies the text vertical overflow types.
EnumerationTextVerticalTypes Determines what kind of vertical text is going to be used.
EnumerationTextWrappingTypes Text wrapping types.
EnumerationTickLabelPosition Specifies the possible positions for tick labels
EnumerationTickMark Specifies the possible positions for tick marks
EnumerationTileAlignment Specifies how to position two rectangles relative to each other
EnumerationTileFilpMode Specifies the direction in which to flip the grandient while tiling.
EnumerationTileFlipping Indicates whether/how to flip the contents of a tile region when using it to fill a larger fill region.
See Also


GrapeCity.Xaml.Excel Assembly



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