GrapeCity.Xaml.SpreadSheet.UI Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassActionEventArgs Provides data for spread action related events.
ClassAutoFilterCheckBox Represents auto filter check box to indicates the filter item take effect or not.
ClassAutoFilterDropDownItemControl Represents a filter dropdown dialog's text filter item.
ClassAutoFilterEditor Represents a text filter editor.
ClassAutoFilterItem Represents filter item information for dropdown filter's text filter.
ClassAutoFilterItemValueConverter Represents a blank value converter.
ClassAutoFilterListBox Represents auto filter listbox to display the filter items.
ClassAutoFilterListBoxItem Represents auto filter listbox item to display the filter item.
ClassBaseSparklineView Represents the base sparkline view class.
ClassCellBackgroundPanel Represents a cell panel to display its content, it works like a grid, and mainly to process the cell content to overflow.
ClassCellClickEventArgs Represents the event data for the CellClick events for the GcSpread component; occurs when the user clicks the mouse button with the pointer on a cell.
ClassCellDoubleClickEventArgs Represents the event data for the CellDoubleClick events for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the user double-clicks the mouse button with the pointer on a cell.
ClassCellEventArgs Represents the event data for cell related events.
ClassCellPresenter Represents an individual GcSpreadSheet cell.
ClassCellPresenterBase Represents an individual GcSpreadSheet base cell.
ClassClipboardPastedEventArgs Represents the event data for the ClipboardPasting event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the user invokes the Clipboard paste action.
ClassClipboardPastingEventArgs Represents the event data for the ClipboardPasting event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the user invokes the Clipboard paste action.
ClassColumnDropDownList Represents a filter dropdown dialog control.
ClassColumnHeaderCellPresenter Represents an individual GcSpreadSheet column header cell.
ClassColumnSparklineView Represents the column sparkline view.
ClassColumnViewportWidthChangedEventArgs Represents the event data for the ColumnViewportWidthChanged event for the GcSpreadSheet component, which occurs when the width of a viewport column has changed.
ClassColumnViewportWidthChangingEventArgs Represents the event data for the ColumnViewportWidthChanging event for the GcSpreadSheet component, which occurs when the width of a viewport column is changing.
ClassColumnWidthChangedEventArgs Represents the event data for the ColumnWidthChanged event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the width of a column has changed.
ClassColumnWidthChangingEventArgs Represents the event data for the ColumnWidthChanging event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the width of a column is changing.
ClassCornerHeaderCellPresenter Represents an individual GcSpreadSheet corner cell.
ClassCrossSplitBar Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet cross split bar control.
ClassCustomDrawingObject Represents a drawing object displayed in a cell.
ClassDataValidationInputMessagePopUp Represents the data validation input message tooltip
ClassDataValidationListBoxItem Represents a DataValidation valid item.
ClassDataValidationListButton Represents a GcSpreadSheet DataValidation List button.
ClassDataValidationListItem Represent DataValidation list item.
ClassDataValidationNullValueConverter Represents a data validation null value converter.
ClassDragDropBlockCompletedEventArgs Represents the event data for the DragDropBlockCompleted event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the dragging and dropping of a range of cells is completed.
ClassDragDropBlockEventArgs Represents the event data for the DragDropBlock event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when a range of cells is being dragged and dropped.
ClassDragFillBlockCompletedEventArgs Represents the event data for the DragFillBlockCompleted event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the dragging and filling of a range of cells is completed.
ClassDragFillBlockEventArgs Represents the event data for the DragFillBlock event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the range of cells is being dragged and filled.
ClassDragFillContextMenu Represents a drag fill context menu control used to apply the automatic fill type.
ClassDragFillContextMenuItem Represents a drag fill context menu item.
ClassDragFillSmartTag Represents a drag fill smart tag control to open a drag fill context menu.
ClassDrawingObjectManager The GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.DrawingObjectManager class is used to attach a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.DrawingObjectProvider to GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet control.
ClassDropDownItemBaseControl Represents a filter dropdown dialog's item base control.
ClassDropDownItemControl Represents a filter dropdown dialog's item control.
ClassEditCellEventArgs Represents the event data for the EditChange and EditEnd events for the GcSpreadSheet component.
ClassEditCellStartingEventArgs Represents the event data for the EditStarting event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when a cell goes into edit mode.
ClassEditingElement Represents an edit control.
ClassEnterCellEventArgs Represents the event data for the EnterCell event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the focus enters a cell.
ClassFilterButton Represents a GcSpreadSheet filter button.
ClassFormulaTextBox Represents a control that allow user to input formula, and convert the formula text to formula selection in spread sheet. User also can select formula in spread sheet through mouse or other input device, the control will convert the selection to text.
ClassGcSpreadSheet Represents a GcSpreadSheet control.
ClassHeaderCellPresenter Represents an individual GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet base header cell.
ClassHeaderHitTestInformation Represents hit test information for the headers of the spreadsheet.
ClassHitTestInformation Represents hit test information for the data area of the spreadsheet.
ClassHorizontalSplitBar Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet horizontal split bar control.
ClassHorizontalSplitBox Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet horizontal split box control.
ClassInvalidDataPresenter Represents the invalid data.
ClassInvalidOperationEventArgs Represents the event for an invalid operation.
ClassLeaveCellEventArgs Represents the event data for the LeaveCell event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when focus leaves a cell.
ClassLineSparklineView Represents the line sparkline view.
ClassRangeFilteredEventArgs Represents the event data for the RangeFiltered event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the column has been automatically filtered.
ClassRangeFilteringEventArgs Represents the event data for the RangeFiltering event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when columns are being automatically filtered.
ClassRangeGroupButtonPresenter Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet range group button that is used to expand or collapse the group.
ClassRangeGroupHeaderButtonPresenter Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet range group header button that is used to expand or collapse all the groups in the same level.
ClassRangeGroupStateChangedEventArgs Represents the event data for the RangeGroupStateChanged event for an outline (range group) of rows and columns in the GcSpreadSheet component.
ClassRangeGroupStateChangingEventArgs Represents the event data for the RangeGroupStateChanging event for an outline (range group) of rows and columns in the GcSpreadSheet component.
ClassRangeSortedEventArgs Represents the event data for the RangeSorted event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when columns are being automatically sorted.
ClassRangeSortingEventArgs Represents the event data for the RangeSorting event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when columns are being automatically sorted.
ClassRowHeaderCellPresenter Represents an individual GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet row header cell.
ClassRowHeightChangedEventArgs Represents the event data for the RowHeightChanged event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the height of a row has changed.
ClassRowHeightChangingEventArgs Represents the event data for the RowHeightChanging event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the height of a row is changing.
ClassRowViewportHeightChangedEventArgs Represents the event data for the RowViewportHeightChanged event for the GcSpreadSheet component, which occurs when the height of a viewport row has changed.
ClassRowViewportHeightChangingEventArgs Represents the event data for the RowViewportHeightChanging event for the GcSpreadSheet component, which occurs when the height of a viewport row is changing.
ClassSelectionChangingEventArgs Represents the event data for the SelectionChanging event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the user is selecting another range of cells.
ClassSeparatorDropDownItemControl Represents a filter dropdown dialog's separator item control.
ClassSheetTab Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.TabStrip tab item control.
ClassSheetTabClickEventArgs Represents the event data for the SheetTabClick event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the user clicks the mouse button with the pointer on the sheet name tab.
ClassSheetTabDoubleClickEventArgs Represents the event data for the SheetTabDoubleClick event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the user double-clicks on a sheet name tab.
ClassSheetView Represents the GcSpreadSheet worksheet viewer used to present and handle worksheet operations.
ClassSpreadActions Represents the actions available for input maps.
ClassSpreadView Represents a view of the spreadsheet display.
ClassTabStrip Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet tab strip control.
ClassTabStripNavigator Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet tab strip navigation control.
ClassTabStripResizeBar Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.TabStrip resize bar control.
ClassTabStripSplitBox Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet tabstrip split box control.
ClassTooltipControl Represents a control that creates a pop-up window that displays information for an element in the UI.
ClassTouchToolbarOpeningEventArgs Represents the event arguments for the TouchStripOpening event.
ClassUndoManager The GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.UndoManager class is used to perform the GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.UndoRedo.ActionBase actions. The GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.UndoRedo.ActionBase actions can be undone and redone if the GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.UndoRedo.ActionBase.CanUndo property is true.
ClassUndoRedoEventArgs epresents the event data when user execute a undo/redo action.
ClassUserFormulaEnteredEventArgs Represents the event data for the UserFormulaEntered event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the user has entered a formula in a cell.
ClassValidationDragDropBlockEventArgs Represents the event data for the DragDropBlock event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when a range of cells is being dragged and dropped.
ClassValidationErrorEventArgs Represents the data for the CellChanged event.
ClassVerticalSplitBar Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet vertical split bar control.
ClassVerticalSplitBox Represents a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet vertical split box control.
ClassViewportEventArgs Represents the event data for the TopRowChanged or LeftColumnChanged event in the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the top row view or the left column view changes.
ClassViewportHitTestInformation Represents hit test information for the viewports of the spreadsheet.
ClassVisualStates Represents the visual states used in the template of a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet control and used to specify the elements' visual states in the visual tree of the control.
ClassWinLossSparklineView Represents the winloss sparkline view.
ClassZoomEventArgs Represents the event data for the UserZooming event for the GcSpreadSheet component; occurs when the user zooms.
InterfaceIDrawingObjectProvider Represents a class that can be attached to a GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpreadSheet control by GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.DrawingObjectManager.DrawingObjectManager to provide custom drawing objects.
InterfaceIUndo Specifies that a command or operation can be undone.
StructureKeyStroke Represents the user's gesture of pressing a key on the computer.
DelegateSpreadAction Represents the action delegate for input maps.
EnumerationEditorStatus Represents the editor status.
EnumerationHitTestType Specifies the locations in the component for the HitTest method.
EnumerationHorizontalPosition Specifies the horizontal position of the cell or column in the component.
EnumerationInputDeviceType Represents the input device type.
EnumerationMouseButtonType Represents the mouse button type.
EnumerationResizeZeroIndicator Specifies the drawing policy of the row or column when it is resized to zero.
EnumerationScrollBarTrackPolicy Specifies whether the component scrolls the sheet when the user moves the scroll box.
EnumerationSplitBoxAlignment Specifies the placement of split boxes in the component with respect to their alignment with the scroll bars.
EnumerationSplitBoxPolicy Specifies when the component displays the split boxes.
EnumerationTabStripPlacement Specifies the location of the tab strip in GrapeCity.Windows.SpreadSheet.UI.GcSpread.
EnumerationTouchToolbarShowingArea Specifies the area where the touch strip menu bar is displayed.
EnumerationUndoRedoOperation Indicates the operation user does when undo/redo.
EnumerationVerticalPosition Specifies the vertical position of the cell or column in the component.
See Also


GrapeCity.Xaml.SpreadSheet.UI Assembly



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