| Class | Description |
| AnnotationBaseBuilder<TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the AnnotationBase. |
| AnnotationLayerBuilder<T> | The builder for the AnnotationLayer. |
| AnnotationLayerExtension | Define a static class to add the extension methods for all the controls which can use AnnotationLayer extender. |
| AutoCompleteBaseBuilder<T,TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the AutoCompleteBase. |
| AutoCompleteBuilder<T> | The builder for the AutoComplete. |
| BaseBuilder<TObject,TBuilder> | The base builder for building object. |
| BasicBundlesBuilder | Defines the builder of the script bundles of the basic assembly. |
| BoxWhiskerBuilder<T> | The builder for the BoxWhisker. |
| BulletGraphBuilder | The builder for the BulletGraph. |
| BundlesBuilder | Defines base builder of script bundles. |
| CalendarBuilder | The builder for the Calendar. |
| CellTemplateBuilder | The builder for the CellTemplate. |
| ChartAnimationBuilder<T> | The builder for the ChartAnimation. |
| ChartAnimationExtension | Define a static class to add the extension methods for all the controls which can use ChartAnimation extender. |
| ChartAxisBuilder<T> | The builder for the ChartAxis. |
| ChartExtensionBundlesBuilder | Defines the builder of chart extension script bundles. |
| ChartGesturesBuilder<T> | The builder for the ChartGestures. |
| ChartGesturesExtension | Define a static class to add the extension methods for all the controls which can use ChartGestures extender. |
| ChartSeriesBaseBuilder<T,TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the ChartSeriesBase. |
| ChartSeriesBuilder<T> | The builder for the ChartSeries. |
| ChartTooltipBuilder | The builder for the ChartTooltip. |
| CircleBuilder | The builder for the Circle. |
| CollectionViewServiceBuilder<T> | The CollectionViewService builder. |
| ColorPickerBuilder | The builder for the ColorPicker. |
| ColumnBaseBuilder<TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the ColumnBase. |
| ColumnBuilder | The builder for the Column. |
| ColumnFilterBuilder | The builder for the ColumnFilter. |
| ColumnFiltersBuilder | Define a class used to build a strongly typed list of C1.Web.Mvc.ColumnFilters. |
| ComboBoxBaseBuilder<T,TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the ComboBoxBase. |
| ComboBoxBuilder<T> | The builder for the ComboBox. |
| ComponentBuilder<TComponent,TComponentBuilder> | Defines the Component builder class. |
| ControlBuilder<TControl,TControlBuilder> | Define the basic class of the control builders. |
| ControlBuilderFactory | Define a factory class to create different control builders. |
| ControlBuilderFactory<TModel> | Define a factory class to create different control builders, with model bindings. |
| DataLabelBaseBuilder<TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the DataLabelBase. |
| DataLabelBuilder | The builder for the DataLabel. |
| DataMapBuilder | The builder for the DataMap. |
| DataPointBuilder | The builder for the DataPoint. |
| DropDownBuilder<TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the DropDown. |
| DropDownBuilder<T,TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the DropDown. |
| EllipseBuilder | The builder for the Ellipse. |
| ErrorBarBuilder<T> | The builder for the ErrorBar. |
| ExtraOptionsBuilder | The builder for the ExtraOptions. |
| ExtraSeriesBuilder<T,TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the ExtraSeries. |
| FlexChartBaseBuilder<T,TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the FlexChartBase. FlexChart base builder. |
| FlexChartBuilder<T> | The builder for the FlexChart. The builder for FlexChart control. |
| FlexChartCoreBuilder<T,TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the FlexChartCore. FlexChartCore builder. |
| FlexGridBaseBuilder<T,TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the FlexGridBase. |
| FlexGridBuilder<T> | The builder for the FlexGrid. |
| FlexGridDetailProviderBuilder<T> | The builder for the FlexGridDetailProvider. |
| FlexGridDetailProviderExtension | Defines the extensional methods for the FlexGridDetailProvider extender. |
| FlexGridFilterBuilder<T> | Defines the html builder for FlexGridFilter. |
| FlexGridFilterExtension | Define a static class to add the extension methods for all the controls which can use FlexGridFilter extender. |
| FlexGridGroupPanelBuilder<T> | The builder for the FlexGridGroupPanel. |
| FlexGridGroupPanelExtension | Define a static class to add the extension methods for all the controls which can use FlexGridGroupPanel extender. |
| FlexPieBaseBuilder<T,TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the FlexPieBase. The builder for FlexPie control. |
| FlexPieBuilder<T> | The builder for the FlexPie. |
| FlexRadarBuilder<T> | The builder for the FlexRadar. |
| FlexRadarSeriesBuilder<T> | The builder for the FlexRadarSeries. |
| FormInputBaseBuilder<TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the FormInputBase. |
| FunctionSeriesBuilder<T,TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the FunctionSeries. |
| FunnelOptionsBuilder | The builder for the FunnelOptions. |
| GaugeBuilder<TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the Gauge. |
| GridExtensionBundlesBuilder | Defines the builder of grid extension script bundles. |
| HtmlHelperExtension | Extends the standard HtmlHelper class. |
| IHtmlStringExtension | Define a static class to add the extension methods for System.Web.IHtmlString |
| ImageBuilder | The builder for the Image. |
| InputBaseBuilder<TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the InputBase. |
| InputColorBuilder | The builder for the InputColor. |
| InputDateBaseBuilder<TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the InputDateBase. |
| InputDateBuilder | The builder for the InputDate. |
| InputDateTimeBuilder | The builder for the InputDateTime. |
| InputMaskBuilder | The builder for the InputMask. |
| InputNumberBuilder | The builder for the InputNumber. |
| InputTimeBuilder<T> | The builder for the InputTime. |
| ItemsBoundControlBuilder<T,TControl,TBuilder> | The base C1.Web.Mvc.ItemsBoundControl<T> builder. |
| LinearGaugeBaseBuilder<TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the LinearGaugeBase. |
| LinearGaugeBuilder | The builder for the LinearGauge. |
| LineBuilder | The builder for the Line. |
| LineMarkerBuilder<T> | The builder for the LineMarker. |
| LineMarkerExtension | Define a static class to add the extension methods for all the controls which can use FlexGridFilter extender. |
| ListBoxBuilder<T> | The builder for the ListBox. |
| ListItemFactory<TItem,TItemBuilder> | Define a class used to build a strongly typed list of objects. |
| MenuBaseBuilder<T,TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the MenuBase. |
| MenuBuilder | The builder for the Menu. |
| MenuCommandBuilder | The builder for the MenuCommand. |
| MenuItemBuilder | The builder for the MenuItem. |
| MenuItemFactory | A builder factory sub class for MenuItem. |
| MovingAverageBuilder<T> | The builder for the MovingAverage. |
| MultiAutoCompleteBuilder<T> | The builder for the MultiAutoComplete. |
| MultiSelectBuilder<T> | The builder for the MultiSelect. |
| PagerBuilder | The builder for the Pager. |
| ParametricFunctionSeriesBuilder<T> | The builder for the ParametricFunctionSeries. |
| PieDataLabelBuilder | The builder for the PieDataLabel. |
| PlotAreaBuilder | The builder for the PlotArea. |
| PlotAreaListFactory<T,TOwner,PlotArea,PlotAreaBuilder> | Define a factory to create PlotArea. |
| PolygonBuilder | The builder for the Polygon. |
| PopupBuilder | The builder for the Popup. |
| PropertyGroupDescriptionBuilder | The builder for the PropertyGroupDescription. |
| RadialGaugeBuilder | The builder for the RadialGauge. |
| RangeBuilder | The builder for the Range. |
| RangeSelectorBuilder<T> | The builder for the RangeSelector. |
| RangeSelectorExtension | Defines the extensions for the RangeSelector extender. |
| RectangleBuilder | The builder for the Rectangle. |
| ScriptsBuilder | Defines the builder of registering scripts. |
| SeriesListBaseFactory<T,TOwner,TSeries,TSeriesBuilder,TChartType> | Define a factory to create different series. |
| SeriesListFactory<T,TOwner,TSeries,TSeriesBuilder,TChartType> | Define a factory to create different series. |
| ServiceBuilder<TService,TServiceBuilder> | The Service builder. |
| ShapeBuilder<TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the Shape. |
| SortDescriptionBuilder | The builder for the SortDescription. |
| SquareBuilder | The builder for the Square. |
| StylesBuilder | Defines the builder of registering style sheets. |
| SunburstBuilder<T> | The builder for the Sunburst. |
| SVGStyleBuilder | The builder for the SVGStyle. |
| TextBuilder | The builder for the Text. |
| TitleStyleBuilder | The builder for the TitleStyle. |
| TreeViewBuilder | The builder for the TreeView. |
| TrendLineBaseBuilder<T,TControl,TBuilder> | The builder for the TrendLineBase. |
| TrendLineBuilder<T> | The builder for the TrendLine. |
| ValueFilterBuilder | The builder for the ValueFilter. |
| WaterfallBuilder<T> | The builder for the Waterfall. |
| WaterfallStylesBuilder | The builder for the WaterfallStyles. |
| YFunctionSeriesBuilder<T> | The builder for the YFunctionSeries. |