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Updating or renewing a license

If you renew your subscription, the new license must be installed.

If the Mobile controls are licensed through a Studio Enterprise subscription, then open the About Box of either an ASP.NET control or a .NET Windows forms control and update the license by clicking the License button and entering your serial number.

If the Mobile controls are licensed through a Studio for Mobile Devices subscription, then open the About Box of the 1.x version of a Mobile control or run the setup again to enter your serial number. Presently, the 2.x versions of the Mobile controls do not have the option to license or register from the About Box; therefore, it is necessary to license through another component or the setup.

Licensing 2.x Mobile Controls through the Setup

To enter the serial number (license) through the Studio for Mobile Devices 2.0 setup, follow these steps:

1.   Run the ComponentOne Studio for Mobile Devices 2.0 setup.

2.   Follow the instructions in the setup, and enter the serial number when prompted.

There are cases where the setup may not prompt you. If you have a valid license installed already, or if you are installing a version of the controls that has already been installed (Maintenance Mode), you will not be prompted to enter your serial number. If you need to enter your serial number for an install, and the install is running in Maintenance Mode, you will need to uninstall first. Once you uninstall, run the install again.

If you are still not prompted for a serial number by the time you get to the install screen, you must have a valid license in the registry on your machine. If you still need to install a new serial number, remove the old license and then run the setup again. There is a utility available that will remove the old license for you, which can be found below.

License Remover

The license remover will search for the following licenses on your system: Studio Enterprise, Studio for Mobile Devices, and individual Studio Mobile product licenses. Any licenses that are found will be populated into a list so that you can select the ones that you would like to remove. To remove a Studio for Mobile Devices license with the license remover, follow these steps:

1.   Unzip and run the C1LicBomb.exe.

2.   You will see an app with a list of the installed licenses on your machine. If you see both Studio Enterprise and Studio for Mobile devices listed, select both for removal, otherwise select the one that you see. If the new serial number that you wish to enter for Studio for Mobile Devices is not a Studio Enterprise serial number, you will need to enter your Studio Enterprise serial number again, but this can be done through any of the About Boxes for C1 controls with the exception of the Mobile Studio About Boxes.

3.   Select any other licenses you wish to remove, then click the Remove Selected Licenses button.

4.   You will be asked if you are sure that you want to delete each key; click OK when you get the dialog box.

5.   There will also be a dialog box to let you know that a particular key was removed successfully; click OK for that one also.

6.   Now you can close the program and run your Studio for Mobile Devices setup again to enter your new serial number.

Follow through with the setup, enter your serial number when prompted, and ComponentOne Studio for Mobile Devices will be licensed on your machine.

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