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Specifying an Input Mask for a Column

The EditMask property of the C1DataColumn object is used to specify an input mask template for end-user data entry. The input mask string is composed of special characters that represent either an input character that the user must enter, or a literal character that will be skipped over on input. Valid template characters are as follows:

The EditMask must be a string composed of the following symbols:

1.   Wildcards

0          digit

9          digit or space

#          digit or sign

L           letter

?           letter or space

A          letter or digit

a          letter, digit, or space

&          any character

2.   Localized characters

.           localized decimal separator

,           localized thousand separator

:           localized time separator

/           localized date separator

3.   Command characters

\           next character is taken as a literal

>          translate letters to uppercase

<          translate letters to lowercase

For example:

·      Visual Basic

' Set the mask so the user can enter a phone number, with optional area code, and a state in capitals.

Me.C1TrueDBGrid1.Columns(0).EditMask = "(###) 000-0000 St\ate\: >LL"

·      C#

// Set the mask so the user can enter a phone number, with optional area code, and a state in capitals.

this.C1TrueDBGrid1.Columns(0).EditMask = "(###) 000-0000 St\ate\: >LL";

·      Delphi

// Set the mask so the user can enter a phone number, with optional area code, and a state in capitals.

Self.C1TrueDBGrid1.Columns[0].EditMask := '(###) 000-0000 St\ate\: >LL';

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