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Split.CurrentCellVisible Property

Gets or sets a value indicating the visibility of the current cell in a split.

[Visual Basic]

Public Property CurrentCellVisible As Boolean


public bool CurrentCellVisible {get;set;}


public property CurrentCellVisible: Boolean read get_CurrentCellVisible write set_CurrentCellVisible;


This property returns True if the current cell (indicated by the C1TrueDBGrid.Bookmark and C1TrueDBGrid.Col properties) is visible within the displayed area of a grid or split. It returns False if the cell is not visible.

Setting the CurrentCellVisible property to True causes the grid to scroll so that the current cell is brought into view. In all cases, setting this property to False is meaningless and is ignored.


The following code scrolls the grid so that the cell (10, 3) is brought into view in the second split:

·      Visual Basic

       Me.C1TrueDBGrid1.Row = 10

       Me.C1TrueDBGrid1.Col = 3

       Me.C1TrueDBGrid1.Splits(1).CurrentCellVisible = True

·      C#

       this.c1TrueDBGrid1.Row = 10;

       this.c1TrueDBGrid1.Col = 3;

       this.c1TrueDBGrid1.Splits[1].CurrentCellVisible = true;

·      Delphi

       Self.C1TrueDBGrid1.Row := 10;

       Self.C1TrueDBGrid1.Col := 3;

       Self.C1TrueDBGrid1.Splits[1].CurrentCellVisible := True;

See Also

Split Class | Split Members | C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid Namespace

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