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Split.FetchRowStyles Property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the C1TrueDBGrid.FetchRowStyle event will be raised.

[Visual Basic]

Public Property FetchRowStyles As Boolean


public bool FetchRowStyles {get;set;}


public property FetchRowStyles: Boolean read get_FetchRowStyles write set_FetchRowStyles;


If True, the C1TrueDBGrid.FetchRowStyle event will be raised whenever the grid is about to display a row of data.

If False (the default), the C1TrueDBGrid.FetchRowStyle event is not raised.

Set this value to True when you need to perform complex per-row formatting operations that can only be done using the C1TrueDBGrid.FetchRowStyle event. For example, to apply fonts and/or colors to all rows that satisfy certain criteria, then set the FetchRowStyles property to True and write code for the C1TrueDBGrid.FetchRowStyle event.


The following code raises the C1TrueDBGrid.FetchRowStyle event for the second split:

·      Visual Basic

       Me.C1TrueDBGrid1.Splits(1).FetchRowStyles = True

·      C#

       this.c1TrueDBGrid1.Splits[1].FetchRowStyles = true;

·      Delphi

       Self.C1TrueDBGrid1.Splits[1].FetchRowStyles := True;

See the C1TrueDBGrid.FetchRowStyle event for a sample using the event.

See Also

Split Class | Split Members | C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid Namespace

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