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C1Chart Members

C1Chart overview

Public Properties

AccessibilityObject (inherited from Control)

The accessibility object for this control.

AccessibleDefaultActionDescription (inherited from Control)

The default action description of the control.

AccessibleDescription (inherited from Control)

The description that will be reported to accessibility clients.

AccessibleName (inherited from Control)

The name that will be reported to accessibility clients.

AccessibleRole (inherited from Control)

The role that will be reported to accessibility clients.

ActiveControl (inherited from ContainerControl)

The currently active control.

AllowDrop (inherited from Control)

Indicates whether the control can accept data that the user drags onto it.

Anchor (inherited from Control)

Defines the edges of the container to which a certain control is bound. When a control is anchored to an edge, the distance between the control's closest edge and the specified edge will remain constant.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Gets the control's assembly file version as a string.

AutoScaleMode (inherited from ContainerControl)

Determines how the form or control will scale when screen resolution or fonts change.

AutoScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl)

Indicates whether scroll bars automatically appear when the control contents are larger than its visible area.

AutoScrollMargin (inherited from ScrollableControl)

The margin around controls during auto scroll.

AutoScrollMinSize (inherited from ScrollableControl)

The minimum logical size for the auto scroll region.

AutoScrollPosition (inherited from ScrollableControl)

The current position of the auto-scrolling scroll bar.

BindingContext (inherited from ContainerControl)

The binding manager for the container control.  This manages all bindings of child controls to lists.

BorderStyle (inherited from UserControl)

Indicates whether the panel should have a border.

Bottom (inherited from Control)

The bottom of the control, in container coordinates.

Bounds (inherited from Control)

The bounds of the control, in container coordinates.

CanFocus (inherited from Control)

Checks if this control can receive the focus.

CanSelect (inherited from Control)

Checks if this control can be selected.

Capture (inherited from Control)

Determines if this control is currently capturing all mouse input.

CausesValidation (inherited from Control)

Indicates whether this component raises validation events.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Gets the control's Chart Area Area object.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Gets the control ChartGroups object.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Gets the control ChartLabels object.

ClientRectangle (inherited from Control)

Retrieves the rectangle of the inner area of this control.

ClientSize (inherited from Control)

Determines the size of the inner area of this control.

CompanyName (inherited from Control)


ContainsFocus (inherited from Control)

Determines if this control or one if its children currently has the focus.

ContextMenu (inherited from Control)

The shortcut menu to display when the user right-clicks the control.

ContextMenuStrip (inherited from Control)

The shortcut menu to display when the user right-clicks the control.

Controls (inherited from Control)

The collection of child controls within this control.

Created (inherited from Control)

Determines if the control has been fully created.

Cursor (inherited from Control)

The cursor that appears when the pointer moves over the control.

DataBindings (inherited from Control)

The data bindings for the control.


Gets or sets the data source object that is bound to the chart.

Disposing (inherited from Control)

Determines whether this control is in the process of being disposed.

Dock (inherited from Control)

Defines which borders of the control are bound to the container.

Enabled (inherited from Control)

Indicates whether the control is enabled.

Focused (inherited from Control)

Determines if this control has focus.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Gets the control footer object.

Handle (inherited from Control)

The native handle for this control.

HasChildren (inherited from Control)

Indicates whether the control contains one or more child controls.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Gets the control header object.

Height (inherited from Control)

The height of the user interface element, in pixels.

HorizontalScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl)

Gets the horizontal scroll bar for this ScrollableControl.

ImeMode (inherited from Control)

Determines the IME (Input Method Editor) status of the object when selected.


Gets the control interaction object.

InvokeRequired (inherited from Control)

Determines if Invoke or BeginInvoke should be used to access this control cross-thread.

IsAccessible (inherited from Control)

Indicates whether the control is visible to accessibility applications.

IsDisposed (inherited from Control)

Determines if this control has been disposed.

IsHandleCreated (inherited from Control)

Indicates whether the control has a handle associated with it.

IsMirrored (inherited from Control)

Indicates whether the control is mirrored.

Left (inherited from Control)

The upper left of the control, in container coordinates.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Gets the control Legend object.

Margin (inherited from Control)

Specifies space between this control and another control's margin.

MaximumSize (inherited from Control)

Specifies the maximum size of the control.

MinimumSize (inherited from Control)

Specifies the minimum size of the control.

Padding (inherited from Control)

Specifies the interior spacing of a control.

Parent (inherited from Control)

The parent of this control.

ParentForm (inherited from ContainerControl)

The parent form of this container control.


Overridden. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the print dialog pops up when the PrintChart method is called.

ProductName (inherited from Control)

Retrieves the name of the product associated with this component.

ProductVersion (inherited from Control)

Retrieves the version of the product associated with this component.

RecreatingHandle (inherited from Control)

Determines if this control is in the process of recreating its handle.

Region (inherited from Control)

The region, or shape, of this control.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Determines whether the chart is repainted when its properties change.

Right (inherited from Control)

The distance, in pixels, between the right edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area.

RightToLeft (inherited from Control)

Indicates whether the component should draw right-to-left for RTL languages.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Gets or sets the chart style.

TabIndex (inherited from Control)

Determines the index in the TAB order that this control will occupy.

TabStop (inherited from Control)

Indicates whether the user can use the TAB key to give focus to the control.

Tag (inherited from Control)

User-defined data associated with the object.


Gets the chart ToolTip object.

Top (inherited from Control)

The top of the control, in container coordinates.

TopLevelControl (inherited from Control)

Retrieves the top-level control that contains this control.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use anti-aliasing while rendering chart graphics (only).


Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use anti-aliasing while rendering chart text (only).


Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use double buffer when repainting the chart.

UseWaitCursor (inherited from Control)

When this property is true, the Cursor property of the control and its child controls is set to WaitCursor.

VerticalScroll (inherited from ScrollableControl)

Gets the vertical scroll bar for this ScrollableControl.


Gets the VisualEffects object.

Width (inherited from Control)

The width of the control, in container coordinates.

Public Methods

BeginUpdate (inherited from baseChart)

Starts batch update. After changes chart is not updated immediately. EndUpdate() method must be called to restore updating.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Return the enumerated value indicating the topmost displayed region at the specified coordinates.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Overloaded. Readies the chart object for garbage collection.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Overridden. Draws the chart on the specified drawing surface.

EndUpdate (inherited from baseChart)

Finishes batch update. The method restores normal chart updating.


Overloaded. Generates histogram data from raw data and a series of interval boundaries specified by a starting value, an interval width and the number of intervals.


Overloaded. Obtains an image of the current chart display.


Overloaded. Obtains an metafile of the current chart display using the specified size.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Reads the chart property and data settings (chart description) from the specified file.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Overridden. Reads the chart property and data settings (chart description) from the specified string.


Overridden. Raises the PageSetup dialog to manage the page settings.


Overloaded. Overridden. Prints the control using default scaling within the margins of the printer page.


Overridden. Raises the PrintSetup dialog to manage the printer settings.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Overridden. Clears the chart of all data and settings.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Saves the all of the contents of the control to the specified file, including data.


Supported by the .NET Compact Framework.

Overloaded. Overridden. Saves the all of the contents of the control to the specified file, including data.


Overloaded. Saves an image of the chart in a Byte array in the specified format.


Overloaded. Raises the chart properties dialog at runtime.


Overloaded. Raises the chart wizard dialog at runtime.

Public Events

BackColorChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the BackColor property is changed on Control.

BackgroundImageChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the BackgroundImage property is changed on Control.

BackgroundImageLayoutChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the BackgroundImageLayout property is changed on Control.

BindingContextChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the BindingContext property is changed on Control.

CausesValidationChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the CausesValidation property is changed on Control.

ChangeUICues (inherited from Control)

Occurs when focus rectangles and keyboard cue underlines are being shown or hidden.


Occurs when the chart has changed.

Click (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the component is clicked.

ClientSizeChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the ClientSize property is changed on Control.

ContextMenuChanged (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the value of the ContextMenu property changes.

ContextMenuStripChanged (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the value of the ContextMenuStrip property changes.

ControlAdded (inherited from Control)

Occurs when a control is added to this control.

ControlRemoved (inherited from Control)

Occurs when a control is removed from this control.

CursorChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the Cursor property is changed on Control.


Occurs when the DataSource property has changed.

DockChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the Dock property is changed on Control.

DoubleClick (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the component is double-clicked.

DragDrop (inherited from Control)

Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed.

DragEnter (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the mouse drags an item into the client area for this Control.

DragLeave (inherited from Control)

Occurs when an object is dragged out of the control's bounds.

DragOver (inherited from Control)

Occurs when an object is dragged over the control's bounds.


Fires when the data series is about to be drawn. This event allows changes to the brush that will be used for data series plotting, including the addition of hatching, gradients and textures.


Fires when legend entry is drawn.

EnabledChanged (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the control's enabled state changes.

Enter (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the control becomes the active control of the form.

FontChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the Font property is changed on Control.

ForeColorChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the ForeColor property is changed on Control.

GiveFeedback (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the mouse drags an item. The system requests that the Control provide feedback to that effect.

GotFocus (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the control gets focus.

HandleCreated (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the control's native handle is created.

HandleDestroyed (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the control's native handle is destroyed.

HelpRequested (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the user invokes Help for the control.


Occurs when highlighted data element has been changed.

ImeModeChanged (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the control's input method editor (IME) mode changes.

Invalidated (inherited from Control)

Occurs when a control's display requires redrawing.

KeyDown (inherited from Control)

Occurs when a key is first pressed.

KeyPress (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the control has focus and the user presses and releases a key.

KeyUp (inherited from Control)

Occurs when a key is released.

Layout (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the control is about to lay out its contents.


Fires before rendering labels and allows repositioning labels relative to positions of other chart elements or using data mapping methods.

Leave (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the control is no longer the active control of the form.

Load (inherited from UserControl)

Occurs whenever the user control loads.

LocationChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the Location property is changed on Control.

LostFocus (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the control loses focus.

MarginChanged (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the Margin property has changed.

MouseCaptureChanged (inherited from Control)

Occurs after the mouse capture is changed.

MouseClick (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the control is clicked by the mouse.

MouseDoubleClick (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the control is double clicked by the mouse.

MouseDown (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the component and a mouse button is pressed.

MouseEnter (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the mouse enters the visible part of the control.

MouseHover (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the mouse remains stationary inside of the control for an amount of time.

MouseLeave (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the mouse leaves the visible part of the control.

MouseMove (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the component.

MouseUp (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the component and a mouse button is released.

MouseWheel (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus.

Move (inherited from Control)

Occurs when a control is moved.

PaddingChanged (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the Padding property has changed.

Paint (inherited from Control)

Occurs when a control needs repainting.


Occurs when interactive action is drawing.

ParentChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the Parent property is changed on Control.

PreviewKeyDown (inherited from Control)

Occurs before the KeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control.

QueryAccessibilityHelp (inherited from Control)

Occurs when an Accessibility client invokes Help for the control.

QueryContinueDrag (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the mouse drags an item. The system requests whether the drag-and-drop operation should be allowed to continue.

RegionChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of Region property is changed on Control.

Resize (inherited from Control)

Occurs when a control is resized.

RightToLeftChanged (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the value of the RightToLeft property changes.

Scroll (inherited from ScrollableControl)

Occurs when the user moves the scroll box.


Occurs when tooltip is shown.

SizeChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the Size property is changed on Control.

StyleChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the window style of a Control is changed.

SystemColorsChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the system colors change.

TabIndexChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the TabIndex property is changed.

TabStopChanged (inherited from Control)

Event raised when the value of the TabStop property is changed on Control.


Fires when interactive action is about to occur. This event permits additional control over the parameters of user interactions. It possible to change axes limits or cancel transformation.

Validated (inherited from Control)

Occurs after a control has been successfully validated.

Validating (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the control is validating.

VisibleChanged (inherited from Control)

Occurs when the control's visibility changes.

See Also

C1Chart Class | C1.Win.C1Chart Namespace

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