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ImageRenderMethodEnum.BinaryWrite Method

This setting requires you to create a second ASP page that is responsible streaming the raw chart data (a byte array).

This method is useful when it is not necessary to include the chart in the context of an ASP page at design time, and sufficient information can be passed to the control to render the proper image through other means. For example, you may want to load the chart layout from a file and configure only a few display elements.

The main difference between this method and the others is that here the chart creation parameters are embedded in the <img> tag itself, rather than stored in the Session, Cache, or temporary files. This process is more streamlined than all others and reduces server resource requirements, since no data transfer from one page to another is required. One drawback is that image maps and the resulting end-user interaction are not available.

The following example shows the type of <img> tag that this method creates:

<img id='c1wc' src='renderSalesChart.aspx?Color=Red&Type=XYPlot' />

Notice that all the information required to create the chart is available in the src attribute itself. No information is stored in the cache, session, or temporary files, so the ImageTransferMethod property is not relevant.

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