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Unit Code Types

For Unit code types, the CodeText property of a function must contain the full compile unit text. The unit must include the class “Calculator” in the UserFunction namespace, and must implement the ISimpleFunction interface.

·      Visual Basic

Dim code As String = _

"Namespace UserFunction" & vbNewLine & _

"  Class Calculator" & vbNewLine & _

"    Implements ISimpleFunction" & vbNewLine & _

  "    Public Function Calculate(x As Double) As Double _" & vbNewLine & _
  "      Implements ISimpleFunction.Calculate" & vbNewLine & _
  "      Dim x2 As Double = x*x" & vbNewLine & _
  "      if( x<0)" & vbNewLine & _
  "        return -x" & vbNewLine & _
  "      else" & vbNewLine & _
  "        return -0.5*x2" & vbNewLine & _
  "      End If" & vbNewLine & _
  "    End Function" & vbNewLine & _
  "  End Class" & vbNewLine & _
  "End Namespace"


Dim yf As C1.Win.C1Chart.YFunction = New C1.Win.C1Chart.YFunction()


yf.CodeType = C1.Win.C1Chart.FunctionCodeTypeEnum.Unit

yf.CodeLanguage = C1.Win.C1Chart.FunctionCodeLanguageEnum.VB

yf.CodeText = code


yf.MinX = -5

yf.MaxX = 5

yf.LineStyle.Color = Color.Green

yf.LineStyle.Thickness = 3



·      C#

string code =

"namespace UserFunction" +

"{" +

"  class Calculator : ISimpleFunction" +
"  {" +

"    public double Calculate(double x)" +
"    {" +
"      double x2 = x*x;" +
"      if( x<0)" +
"        return -x;" +
"      else" +
"        return -0.5*x2;" +
"    }" +
"  }" +


C1.Win.C1Chart.YFunction yf = new C1.Win.C1Chart.YFunction();


yf.CodeType = C1.Win.C1Chart.FunctionCodeTypeEnum.Unit;

yf.CodeText = code;


yf.MinX = -5;

yf.MaxX = 5;

yf.LineStyle.Color = Color.Green;

yf.LineStyle.Thickness = 2;


c1Chart1.ChartGroups[0].ChartData.FunctionsList.Add( yf);

·      Delphi


  code: string;

  yf: C1.Win.C1Chart.YFunction;



 code :=

   'namespace UserFunction' +

   '{' +

   '  class Calculator : ISimpleFunction' +
   '  {' +
   '    public double Calculate(double x)' +
   '    {' +
   '      double x2 = x*x;' +
   '      if( x<0)' +
   '        return -x;' +
   '      else' +
   '        return -0.5*x2;' +
   '    }' +
   '  }' +


  yf := C1.Win.C1Chart.YFunction.Create;


  yf.CodeType := C1.Win.C1Chart.FunctionCodeTypeEnum.Unit;

  yf.CodeText := code;


  yf.MinX := -5;

  yf.MaxX := 5;

  yf.LineStyle.Color := Color.Green;

  yf.LineStyle.Thickness := 2;


  C1Chart1.ChartGroups[0].ChartData.FunctionsList.Add( yf);


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