FloodColor Property

Returns or sets the color used to flood cells.


[form!]VSFlexGrid.FloodColor[ = colorref& ]


The color specified is used for painting the flooded portion of cells which have the CellFloodPercent property set to a non-zero value. To maximize performance, this color is always mapped to the nearest solid color.

Any of the following FloodColor lines will paint the left half of the current cell blue.

   fg.CellFloodPercent = 50

   fg.FloodColor = &HFF0000       ' using a hex value

   fg.FloodColor = vbBlue         ' using a VB constant

   fg.FloodColor = RGB(0, 0, 255) ' using the RGB function

To control the flooding color of individual cells, set the Cell(flexcpFloodColor) property.

For details and an example, see the CellFloodPercent property.

Data Type


See Also

VSFlexGrid Control