IsSelected Property

Returns or sets whether a row is selected (for listbox-type selections).


[form!]VSFlexGrid.IsSelected(Row As Long)[ = {True | False} ]


This property allows you to select individual rows, not necessarily adjacent, independently of the RowSel property and ColSel property.

To implement this type of row selection, you will typically set the SelectionMode property to flexSelectionListBox, which allows the user to select individual rows using the mouse or the keyboard, and to toggle the selection for a row by pressing CTRL and clicking on it. If you set SelectionMode property to something other than flexSelectionListBox, you may still select and de-select rows using the IsSelected property, but the user will not be able to alter the selection with the mouse or keyboard (unless you write the code to do it).

You may enumerate the selected rows using the SelectedRows and SelectedRow properties.

Data Type


See Also

VSFlexGrid Control