OutlineBar Property

Returns or sets the type of outline bar that should be displayed.


[form!]VSFlexGrid.OutlineBar[ = OutlineBarSettings ]


This property determines whether the control should display an outline bar when it is used in outline mode. The outline bar contains a tree similar to the one in Windows Explorer. It shows the outline's structure and has buttons that can be used to collapse and expand parts of the outline.

The settings for the OutlineBar property are described below:







No outline bar.



Complete outline tree plus button row on top. (Buttons are only displayed if the OutlineBar is on a fixed column).



Complete outline tree, no buttons across the top.



Outline symbols but no connecting lines.



Similar to flexOutlineBarComplete, but empty nodes are displayed without symbols.



Similar to flexOutlineBarSimple, but empty nodes are displayed without symbols.



Similar to flexOutlineBarSymbols, but empty nodes are displayed without symbols.


The following properties affect how each row is displayed on the OutlineBar:

Property Effect

If IsSubtotal is set to True and the row has children, the row is displayed as a node, with a collapse/expand symbol.

If IsCollapsed is set to flexOutlineCollapsed, the row is displayed with a plus sign that the user can click to expand the node. Otherwise, the row is displayed with a minus sign that the user can click to collapse the node.

The RowOutlineLevel property controls the indentation of the node. Higher values cause the node to be more indented.

The OutlineBar recognizes the following mouse actions: Clicking on a collapsed node (with a plus sign) expands it. Clicking on an expanded node (with a minus sign) collapses it. SHIFT and SHIFT-CTRL clicking on a branch expands or collapses the entire outline to the level of the branch that was clicked. The OutlineBar can have a row of buttons across the top that allow the user to collapse the entire outline to a certain level.

By default, the outline bar is drawn on the first column of the control. You may display it in a different column by setting the OutlineCol property. The color used to draw the outline tree is specified by the TreeColor property.

When a node is collapsed or expanded, the control fires the BeforeCollapse and AfterCollapse events. You may trap these events to prevent certain nodes from being collapsed or expanded, or to populate the outline asynchronously. See the BeforeCollapse event for an example.

For more details on creating and using outlines, see the Outline Demo.

Data Type

OutlineBarSettings (Enumeration)

Default Value

flexOutlineBarNone (0)

See Also

VSFlexGrid Control