Step 1: Create the Control

Start a new Visual Basic project including VSFlexGrid 8.0 (if you don't know how to add OCX files to a project, consult the Visual Basic documentation). The VSFlexGrid icon will be added to the Visual Basic Toolbox.

Create a VSFlexGrid object on the form by clicking the VSFlexGrid icon on the Toolbox, then clicking on the form and dragging until the object is the proper size.

Next, use the Visual Basic Property window to set the following control properties:

    (Name) = fg

    Editable = flexEDKbd

    Cols = 5

    FixedCols = 0

    FormatString = "=Product|Region|Sales Person|" & _ ">Amount Sold|Bonus"

That's it. Press F5 to run the project, and you can start typing data into the control. Press F2 or the SPACEBAR to edit existing entries, or just type new entries over existing ones.