| Name | Description |
 | ActionInfo | Actions for the map sub item. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.MapDockableSubItem) |
 | AutoFitTextDisabled | Gets or sets text will not be autosized to fit in the legend area. An expression should evaluate to a System.Boolean. |
 | BottomMargin | Width of the bottom margin. An expression should evaluate to a GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Definition.Components.Length. The default value is 0 in. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.MapSubItem) |
 | DockOutsideViewport | Gets or sets the sub item should be docked outside the viewport. Ignored if MapLocation is defined. An expression should evaluate to a System.Boolean. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.MapDockableSubItem) |
 | EquallySpacedItems | Gets or sets legend items should be equally spaced. An expression should evaluate to a System.Boolean. |
 | Hidden | Gets or sets the item is hidden. An expression should evaluate to a System.Boolean. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.MapDockableSubItem) |
 | InterlacedRows | Gets or sets legend rows should use interlaced colors. An expression should evaluate to a System.Boolean. |
 | InterlacedRowsColor | The background color to use for interlaced legend rows. The default value is LightGray. |
 | Layout | The arrangement of labels within the legend. That evaluates to one of MapLegend.LegendLayout. The default value is MapLegend.LegendLayout.AutoTable. |
 | LeftMargin | Width of the left margin. An expression should evaluate to a GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Definition.Components.Length. The default value is 0 in. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.MapSubItem) |
 | MapLegendTitle | Title displays in the legend. |
 | MapLocation | Gets or sets the sub item location within the map. Default for MapViewport (0,0), otherwise Position is used. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.MapSubItem) |
 | MapSize | Gets or sets the sub item size within the map. If omitted for MapViewport the default is (100,100) in percents. Automatically calculated for MapDockableSubItem. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.MapSubItem) |
 | MinFontSize | Minimum size for autosized legend text. An expression should evaluate to a GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Definition.Components.Length. The default value is 7pt. |
 | Name | Name of the legend. |
 | Position | The position of the sub item. Ignored if MapLocation is defined. That evaluates to one of MapDockableSubItem.MapPosition. The default value is MapDockableSubItem.MapPosition.TopCenter. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.MapDockableSubItem) |
 | RightMargin | Width of the right margin. An expression should evaluate to a GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Definition.Components.Length. The default value is 0 in. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.MapSubItem) |
 | Style | Gets or sets style properties for map sub item. Each of the properties of type Color support transparency. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.MapSubItem) |
 | TextWrapThreshold | Number of characters after which the legend text wraps. An expression should evaluate to a System.Integer. The default value is 25. |
 | ToolTip | Tool tip to display for the map sub item. An expression should evaluate to a System.String. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.MapDockableSubItem) |
 | TopMargin | Width of the top margin. An expression should evaluate to a GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Definition.Components.Length. The default value is 0 in. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.MapSubItem) |
 | ZIndex | Drawing order of the item within the map. An expression should evaluate to a System.Integer. The default value is 0. (Inherited from GrapeCity.ActiveReports.PageReportModel.MapSubItem) |