ActiveReports 9
GrapeCity.ActiveReports Namespace (GrapeCity.ActiveReports.v9)
Inheritance Hierarchy
The GrapeCity.ActiveReports namespace contains the report, control, and section classes that are the basis of all reports.
ClassInvalidReportDefinitionException Exception raised when a report definition is invalid.
ClassLocateCredentialsEventArgs Provides data for LocateCredentials event.
ClassLocateDataSourceEventArgs Provides data for the LocateDataSource event.
ClassPageReport Loads, modifies, or saves a report definition.
ClassPageSettings Specifies the page settings used to print the report document pages.
ClassReportDataException This exception is thrown when an error occurs while connecting to the report's data source.

This exception or one of its descendent classes is thrown when an error occurs while running the report.

ClassReportScriptException The ReportScriptException is thrown when an error occurs in the report scripting code or any of the report's calculated DataField expressions.
ClassSectionCollection Represents a collection of all sections (Section objects) in the report layout. 
ClassSectionReport The SectionReport class is the base class for all section reports. It is used to execute and render the report.
ClassSectionReport.FetchEventArgs FetchEventArgs class provides data required for the FetchData Event.
ClassSystemPrinter Represents the settings of the SystemPrinter class.
DelegateLocateCredentialsEventHandler Represents method that handles LocateCredentials event.
DelegateLocateDataSourceEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the LocateDataSource event

Represents the method that handles the FetchData event.

DelegateSectionReport.ParameterUIClosedHandler Represents a method that handles the ParameterUIClosed event.
EnumerationLayoutAction Specifies the action to be performed after a section is formatted.
EnumerationPageSettings.PrinterCollate Determines the collation order when printing multiple copies of a report.
EnumerationSectionReport.ReportState Determines the current state of the report engine.
EnumerationSectionReport.RpxFormat Specifies the format in which the report is to be saved.
See Also


GrapeCity.ActiveReports.v9 Assembly



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