ActiveReports 9 Server
Managing Permissions: Reports, Models, Schedules

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Administrators can modify permissions to data models, reports, and shared schedules by assigning rights to a role. Once a role has permission to use a model, report, or shared schedule, all users added to that role have the same permission.

Table defining what permissions are granted for each combination of settings for reports and models

To manage permissions to a model

You can grant read or read and create permission to different roles for each model.

Allow or deny read permission to a model

To manage permissions to a report

You can grant different roles permission to read, modify, or change permissions on each report. The Owner of the report (the user who created or uploaded it) has full permission which cannot be modified.

Allow or deny read, modify, or change permissions

To change ownership of a report

By default, the user who created or uploaded the report has full permission to it. The Owner role always has full permission to the report, so the only way to change that is to change ownership by deleting the report and having a new owner upload it to the server.

Change ownership

To manage permissions to a shared schedule

You can grant different roles permission to use shared schedules to schedule reports to run. You can also set options in the Delivery section to allow or prevent users from changing the settings. For more information, see Managing Schedules.

Allow or deny read, modify, or change permissions

See Also



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