ActiveReports 9
Backdrop Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see Backdrop members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAlphaGets or sets the alpha level (transparency).  
Public PropertyColorGets or sets the primary color used to fill the backdrop.  
Public PropertyColor2Gets or sets the secondary color used for gradient effects and patterns.  
Public PropertyGradientGets or sets the enumerated GradientType used for the Backdrop.  
Public PropertyPattern

Gets or sets the HatchStyle used for the Backdrop pattern.

Public PropertyPictureGets or sets the image used for the Backdrop.  
Public PropertyPictureAlignmentGets or sets the image alignment for the Backdrop.  
Public PropertyStyle

Gets or sets the type of backdrop to use (i.e. solid, gradient, etc.).

See Also


Backdrop Class
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Chart.Graphics Namespace



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