ActiveReports Developer 7
MatrixEx Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.v7 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Drawing Namespace : MatrixEx Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by MatrixEx.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorMatrixEx ConstructorOverloaded. Initialises a new instance of the MatrixEx class.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyElementsGets an array of floating point value representing the MatrixEx  
Public PropertyIsIdentityGeta an indication of whether or not the MatrixEx is an identity matrix.  
Public PropertyOffsetXGets the x translation value which is the value from the third row, first column.  
Public PropertyOffsetYGets the y translation value which is the value from the third row, second column.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCloneCreates an exect duplicate of the MatrixEx  
Public MethodDisposeDisposes allocated resources.  
Public MethodInvertInverts the MatrixEx if it can be inverted.  
Public MethodMultiplyPrepends the specified MatrixEx to multiply this MatrixEx instance.  
Public MethodReset
Resets the MatrixEx
Public MethodRotatePrepends a clockwise rotation, around the origin and by the indicated angle, to the MatrixEx.  
Public MethodRotateAtOverloaded. Prepends a clockwise rotation, around the point specified and by the indicated angle, to the MatrixEx.  
Public MethodScalePrepends a scale vector to the MatrixEx  
Public MethodTransformPointsApplies a geometric transform represented by the MatrixEx to the provided points.  
Public MethodTranslatePrepends the specified translation vector to the MatrixEx  

See Also