ActiveReports Developer 7
IChart Interface Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.v7 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Rendering.Components.Chart Namespace : IChart Interface

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by IChart.

Public Properties

 PropertyCategoriesCountGets a count of the number of categories in this chart.  
 PropertyCategoryMemberCollectionGets top-level category grouping members.  
 PropertyDataPointCategoryCountGets the category count.  
 PropertyDataPointCollectionGets the DataPoint collection.  
 PropertyDataPointSeriesCountGets the series count.  
 PropertyHorizontalResolutionHorizontal resolution (DPI) of the image.  
 PropertyPlainCategoryMembersGets the category members as an array of chart members.  
 PropertyPlainSeriesMembersGets the series members as an array of chart members.  
 PropertySeriesCountGets a count of the number of series in this chart.  
 PropertySeriesMemberCollectionGets the series member collection.  
 PropertyVerticalResolutionVertical resolution (DPI) of the image.  

Public Methods

 MethodGetImageOverloaded. Returns an image of the chart in the PNG format. The image will be at the appropriate size to render at 96dpi.  
 MethodSetDpiSets the dpi on the chart.  

See Also