ActiveReports Developer 7
IReport Interface Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.v7 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Rendering.Components Namespace : IReport Interface

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by IReport.

Public Properties

 PropertyBodyReturns a reference to the body of the report.  
 PropertyBottomMarginSpecifies the height of the bottom margin of the report.  
 PropertyCultureIndicates the primary language of the report.  
 PropertyDataElementNameThe name of the top-level element for a report rendered using a data oriented rendering extension (e.g. XML).  
 PropertyDataElementStyleIndicates whether to render textboxes as an element or as an attribute.  
 PropertyDataSchemaThe namespace to use in a report rendered using a data oriented rendering extension (e.g. XML).  
 PropertyDataTransformThe location and file name of a transformation to use with a data oriented rendering extension (e.g. XML).  
 PropertyLeftMarginSpecifies the width of the left margin of the report.  
 PropertyNameSets or returns the name of the report.  
 PropertyPageFooterReturns a reference to the page footer section of the report.  
 PropertyPageHeaderReturns a reference to the page header section of the report.  
 PropertyPageHeightSpecifies report page height.  
 PropertyPageWidthSpecifies report page width.  
 PropertyPaperOrientationReturns paper orientation of the report.  
 PropertyRightMarginSpecifies the width of the right margin of the report.  
 PropertyTopMarginSpecifies the height of the top margin of the report.  
 PropertyVersionA unique version number to identify the instance of the report.  
 PropertyWidthIndicates the width of the report.  

Public Methods

 MethodGetSectionRendererGets a renderer of the specified type that can render the body and page sections (IPageSection) of this report.  

See Also