ActiveReports Developer 7
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.v7 Assembly : GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel Namespace

Glossary Item Box

The GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReportModel namespace includes classes that can be used in section reports.


ClassARControl ARControl is the base class for ActiveReports controls.  You should not need to use this class in your application.
ClassBarcode The Barcode control is used to print barcode symbology in the report.
ClassBarcode.BarCodeDataException The exception thrown when an error is caused by an inapplicable value of the barcode control. For internal use only.
ClassChartControl Renders a chart on the report.
ClassCheckBox Checkbox is used to print Boolean values as checked or unchecked.
ClassControlCollection Represents a collection of ARControl objects.

The CrossSectionBox control renders a rectangular outline with its corners where you place them in the header and footer sections, and its vertical lines growing with intervening sections.

ClassCrossSectionControl ARControl is the base class for ActiveReports CrossSection controls.  You should not need to use this class in your application.
ClassCrossSectionLine The CrossSectionLine control renders a vertical line that begins where you place it in a header section, grows with any intervening sections, and ends where you place it in the related footer section.
ClassCustomControl CustomControl is a wrapper class that allows you to print .NET controls that inherit from System.Windows.Forms.Control
ClassDetail Detail section is the main section in a report.  It is printed once for each record in the data source.
ClassGroupFooter The GroupFooter section is directly related to the Detail section and its matching group header.  It prints once each time a group of similar records (as defined in the GroupHeader.DataField property) ends.  A GroupFooter section cannot exist without a matching GroupHeader section.

The GroupHeader section prints once for every data group defined using the field specified in DataField property.  A GroupHeader section requires a matching GroupFooter section.


Prints static text on the report.

ClassLine Prints a line on the report.
ClassOleObject OleObject is a wrapper class for printing OLE objects.
ClassPageBreak PageBreak ends the current page and starts a new page at the control's location on the page.
ClassPageFooter The PageFooter section prints once at the bottom of every page in the report.

The PageHeader section prints once at the top of every page in the report. 

ClassParameter A Parameter is used to substitute values for parameter placeholders in the report's data source SQL query text.
ClassParameterCollection Represents the collection of parameters that ActiveReports parses from the parameter placeholders in the data source SQL query.
ClassPicture Prints an image on the report.
ClassReportFooter The ReportFooter section prints once at the end of the report.
ClassReportHeader The ReportHeader section is printed once at the beginning of the report.
ClassReportInfo The ReportInfo control displays the information specified in the FormatString property.
ClassRichTextBox Prints text formatted as Rich Text (RTF) on the report.
ClassSection Section is the base class of all ActiveReports section types.
ClassShape Prints a rectangular or oval shape on the report.
ClassStyle Represents the formatting properties of a control.
ClassStyleSheet Represents the collection of Style objects used to format controls.
ClassSubReport Prints a linked report object as part of the current report. Subreports are linked using the Report property.
ClassTextBox Prints a formatted text value, bound or unbound.


EnumerationBarCodeCaptionPosition Specifies the barcode caption position relative to the barcode symbol.
EnumerationBarCodeDirection Specifies the print direction of the barcode symbol.

Type of code, or symbology, the barcode control will use to generate the barcode.

EnumerationChartControl.UIAction Specifies the action to perform on the chart control.
EnumerationColumnDirection Specifies the direction of columns in a multi-column report.
EnumerationGroupKeepTogether Specifies whether a group header and footer pair with associated details will print as a single block on the same page.
EnumerationImageTypes Specifies the type of image to be used for a chart.
EnumerationLineStyle Specifies the pen style used to draw a line.
EnumerationNewColumn Specifies whether a new column will be started before or after a section.

Specifies whether a new page will be started before or after a section.

EnumerationParameter.DataType Specifies the data type used to create the input control for collection of report parameter values.
EnumerationParameterCollection.ParseResultCode Specifies the results of parsing the report's parameter values.
EnumerationPictureAlignment Determines the position of the picture within the control area.

Specifies whether a group header section will be repeated with subsequent detail pages.


Specifies how a text search is carried out in a RichTextBox control.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

EnumerationRichTextBox.RichTextStreamType Determines the RichText control's content type.
EnumerationRichTextType Determines the type of stream to load into the RichTextBox.
EnumerationShapeType Specifies the type of shape that the shape control should print.
EnumerationSizeModes Determines how a picture should be sized within the control area.
EnumerationSummaryFunc Determines the summary calculation function performed on the  field value.
EnumerationSummaryRunning Determines whether summary values will be accumulated or reset based on the specified level.
EnumerationSummaryType Determines the type of field summary.

See Also