ActiveReports 8
SectionDocument Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document.v8 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Document Namespace : SectionDocument Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by SectionDocument.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorSectionDocument ConstructorOverloaded. Creates a new instance of the Document class.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyBookmarksGets or sets a reference to the document's bookmarks.  
Public PropertyCacheToDiskSets or returns a value indicating whether to optimize the amount of memory used by the document by caching the report to disk instead of holding it in memory.  
Public PropertyCacheToDiskLocationGets or set the location of CacheToDisk files. The location can be a physical path or IsolateStorage.  
Public PropertyContentAllows a document to be assigned to a web service.  
Public PropertyInProgress

Determines whether the document is currently being loaded with pages.

Public PropertyLoadUrlGets or sets a URL from which to download the document asynchronously using internet protocols.  
Public PropertyNameGets or sets the name of the document.  
Public PropertyPagesGets a reference to the document's pages.  
Public PropertyPasswordGets or sets a password string used to protect the saved document file.  
Public PropertyPrinterGets a reference to the document's printer settings.  
Public PropertyPrintOptionsPrint options  
Public PropertyUserPreferencesGets or sets user preferences in the viewer such as hyperlink and background colors.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCopyToClipboardExports the page(s) to Text and Rtf data and copies it to clipboard.  
Public MethodDisposeIf you call dispose on this level that means that you are not suppose to use anything that is contained below this level. That means no pages, no fonts, etc.  
Public MethodFindOverloaded. Searches for the specified string in the Document's pages collection.  
Public MethodLoadOverloaded. Loads a Document from a stream or a file.  
Public MethodResetPrinterResets the printer defaults.  
Public MethodSaveOverloaded. Saves the Document content to a stream or a file.  

Public Events

Public EventDownloadErrorOccurs when an exception is thrown while downloading a document asynchronously from the LoadUrl location.  
Public EventLoadCompletedOccurs after all the document pages have been fully loaded.  
Public EventPrintAbortedOccurs when printing of the document pages is cancelled.  
Public EventPrintingThreadErrorEventOccurs when an exception is thrown by the printing thread.  
Public EventPrintProgressOccurs when the document pages are printing.  
Public EventStateChangedRaised when the state is changed.  

See Also