ActiveReports 8
IMapColorScale Interface Members
See Also  Properties 
GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.v8 Assembly > GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Extensibility.Rendering.Components.Map Namespace : IMapColorScale Interface

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by IMapColorScale.

Public Properties

 PropertyColorBarBorderColorSpecifies the border color of the color bar.  
 PropertyElementsCollection of internal renderinf elements.  
 PropertyHideEndLabelsSpecifies whether the end labels for a MapColorScale will be hidden.  
 PropertyLabelBehaviorSpecifies how the labels display the values.  
 PropertyLabelFormatspecifies the label format  
 PropertyLabelIntervalSpecifies the interval between labels.  
 PropertyLabelPlacementSpecifies the placement of labels.  
 PropertyNoDataTextSpecifies the label for the MapColorScale that is to be used with colors that have no data associated with them.  
 PropertyRangeGapColorSpecifies the color to be used in a MapColorScale to fill the undefined color divisions.  
 PropertyTickMarkLengthSpecifies the length of the tick mark.  
 PropertyTitleColor scale title rendering settings.  

See Also