ActiveReports 8 Server SDK
ISecurityProvider Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ISecurityProvider.

Public Methods
 MethodCreateTokenCreates the security token.  
 MethodDisposeTokenDisposes the security token created with CreateToken.  
 MethodFilterRolesGets the roles for the specified identity.  
 MethodGetAdminContextGets the user context for the administrator.  
 MethodGetCacheKeySaltGets the additional hash to vary the cache key according to the multi-tenant context.  
 MethodGetUserContextGets the user context for the specified identity.  
 MethodGetUserContextKeysGets supported keys which may be used in user context.  

GetUserDescription returns two useful objects:

  • UserDescription.Email automatically fills the email field in the error log submission dialog.
  • UserDescription.FriendlyUserName automatically fills the CreatedBy and ModifiedBy fields for reports.
 MethodValidateTokenValidates the security token.  
See Also


ISecurityProvider Interface
ActiveReports.Server.Security Namespace

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